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An individual, male or female, who is socially inept and of sub-par intelligence. They are known for their feeble minds, obnoxious behavior, and often regarded as a nuisance to the general public because they suck at life. Most Trolls suffer from low self esteem and inadequacies, to coup with this they often project their feelings of insecurities on people they envy. Trolls are found all over the world and seem to be on the rise. Trolls are often eager to harass members of society who contribute to humanity and hold higher social values. Once it's been confirmed the individual in question is in fact a troll, it is appropriate to sound a "TROLL ALERT" to notify others.

1) Annoying Individual at public place is giving you crap for no reason, other then to perhaps seem cool in his own mind. - It would be appropriate to sound a "TROLL ALERT" - which is you stating this loudly to the crowd, your friends and other people, in the know, should follow suit, for maximum delivery. This has been proven to be highly effective is disarming Trolls.

2) Group of individuals (Trolls) pointing and laughing. - Confirm they are trolls. confirmed. - guy 1 - Sound Troll Alarm "TROLL ALERT" - guy 2 - "TROLL ALERT" - guy 3 - "TROLL ALERT" - Trolls now shut up and leave you alone.

by eFlow May 14, 2012

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a troll aplies to rule1 and 2 and annoy's the crud out of everyone

troll's trololololololololololololo

by annonumouse September 14, 2011

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an ugly or unattractive chick

Your girlfriend is a troll; you can do better than that.

by Greekdiva2 November 1, 2007

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A girl that is particularly nasty. Usually found pulling up her thong so others can see it. A troll looks and acts very man-like.

Look at that girl! She's a slut. A man look-a-liker. A TROLL!!

by wormwood811 June 11, 2005

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see also: nagging wife, bitch with an attitude, club girl, catty.

most trolls have many characteristics in common with these examples when it comes to style and approach to communication.

trolls talk empty trash. Just like those hoes standing over there.

by anon March 14, 2005

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H-Troll (Hysteria Troll)

H-Troll a troll whose trolling is fueled by irrational fear, belief or hysteria. H-Trolling is an abbreviation of Hysteria Trolling. Trolling based on irrational beliefs or fears for the purpose of convincing others to adopt their irrational fears or beliefs.

That H-Troll (Hysteria Troll) and his moon landing conspiracy is so outdated.

by KatsuiKatKOoKakatsui June 14, 2018

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A troll is someone who is considered undesirable either due to physical attributes or character flaws. A trollular non-troll is a hottie so long as she's too drunk to be a bitch. A non-trollular troll is a total dog with a great personality.

Man, what a little troll! If she wasn't so much of an ultra wing candidate I'd pawn her off on some other idiot.

by Stuben Hackfittle Von Burntsteiner November 7, 2004

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