any law enforcement who improperly touches anyone in their crotch and genital area searching for cannabis. equal to a child molester.
that sheriff is a 100% pot - o - phile, he touched my pepe thinking it was weed.
Irish Tiktoker who asks people in public random questions about every day life?
Cian because known off a video that went viral which he asked what do you look for in a girl?
The guy said “all about the Bunda”
Cian O Mahony is a legend of a man
And that’s facts 💯🔥
Very cool or very satisfactory , excellent
My mom's boyfriend is so neat-o.
Or in answer to a comment like..I got a car for
Abbreviated version of One & Done which means you're only doing a one night stand with someone you'll ghost right afterwards
Friend: Hey, whatever happen to Gary?
Me: I O & D him cause the dick was trash
Friend: You did what?
Me: I One & Done him aka O&D