A polite way to address a fellow sir when you do not know his name. Related to a lady sir.
Excuse me, guy sir, where can I find a monocle as fine as yours?
This is your free pass to say no to a guy asking for nudes if he has a mullet. If he has a mullet he doesn’t deserve to get nudes.
Today I got to use the Pass to say no to nudes from a guy with a mullet.
Use this if you wanna, for some reason, knock up a robot
Call me Purple guy, Because i want to put a child in that robot
Oct 24th of each year - straight guys love football, and they secretly love to be spooned - now you can do both
Call your best gay friend, he would love to have you over (your place is too messy). Wear your favorite sports costume, and your gay friend will do the rest - 1,000 thread-count sheets, craft beer, crudités, and gourmet wings (all flats).
Just try to stay awake for the game, and you will surely leave with a smile.
Brandon kept shouting "Go Cocks," so I'm assuming that he is going to KTrain's house for National Cuddle a Gay Guy While Watching Football Day
i've finally returned to urban dictionary ever since last year. it's good to be back.
Everyone on YouTube: SHE'S A DISGUSTING WOMAN. let's hope she never returns.
Foxi Boxi: Hey guys I'm back!
Everyone on YouTube: OH GOD NO
Those dreams you have when there’s a hot guy who likes you and they are great. You hate waking up from them because you want it to last forever and you want it to actually happen
I love hot guy dreams cause there’s hot guys in them.
That one average dude that uses $urban (then a number) in cubiie his chat wat too much for no reason
Muga it's number guy