When someone poops their pants and doesn’t change. The poop sags in their crotch region and leaves the impression of a boner… but is really just a poop bulge.
“Yeah I really thought he was into me… his hard on was so noticeable…”
“So why didn’t you two hook up?”
“It was just a poop bulge.”
Just a more descrete way of telling someone to eat shit, usually used in online forms
That one pooping feeling where you have a nice poop and nothing goes wrong and your poop slides out perfectly and you get awesome poop feeling
i just had the best pooping feeling!!!!!
When you have to push a deuce out so hard that it feels so painful that it’s like your turning into a werewolf. The poop it’s self is also huge enough to clog a toilet and it almost looks like it was layed by a werewolf
Yesterday, I had to push out a painful werewolf poop.
Chad Green, Relief pitcher for the Toronto Blue Jays
Chad Green is so poop and butt
This is an insult by every 3 year old when you don’t let them eat the shit in the toilet
Person 1: it’s mine!
Person 2: no it’s mine
Person 1: fudge you you monkey poop
I made a card from someone historic and i called it blue man needs to poop its the best thing ever made to mankind
Person 1: I made a card of *insert historic person*
Person 2: blue man needs to poop