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Australian Cough Drop

Going 'down-under' and deep throating/swallowing/gagging on the ballsack

This girl was lickin my balls and before i knew it she got an australian cough drop!

by NJ1037 March 18, 2011

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Australian Wet Willy

The act of a traditional Wet Willy, however, rather than wetting ones fore finger with the mouth prior to insertion in the victims ear, you insert the fore finger in and around your rectum. (An Australian Wet Willy must be performed only on days exceeding 100-degrees F, and only after one has been "walk about" for a minimum of one hour to get the the said "Wet" effect.) Also called an Auzzie Ear.

"I gave him an Australian wet willy", "He needs the old Auzzie Ear"

by wedgieking November 4, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

an Australian kiss

Blowjob because it's a kiss down under.

Do you want an Australian kiss?

What's that?

A kiss down under.

by Shuaman December 14, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

australian thunder kick

After you shoot your load into a girls mouth, then right before she swallows you kick her in the throat, which will cause her to choke, and she should make thunder noises as she chokes.

Dude I heard this Cady chick tried the Australian thunder kick with her dog, and she liked it

by Fitzie555556 February 12, 2014

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Australian Labour Party

The political party that offers fairness, and equality in Australia, and tries to help all Australians, not just he wealthy.

Usually has to clean up the mess the evil Liberal Party has made, as the liberals usually run a state or country into the ground.

How anyone could vote for the liberals is beyond me.

I swear, this country is fucked up, when a man as evil as howard actually wins a 4th term.

What have we become?

by why vote for liberals? October 9, 2004

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Australian Donkey Punch

The wild younger brother of the Donkey Punch. This technique requires the sexual partner to have their head down to their toes while standing, to experience the true upside-down worldly experience. Instead of punching the partner, they are bunted with a boomerang.

When my girlfriend requested that we became more culturally aware people, I decided to fill her needs with an Australian Donkey Punch .

by Papa March 8, 2006

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australian rules football

What you get when you allow Australian convicts to invent a sport.

They should change it to the CFL (Convict Football League).

- Shockingly minimal skill (kicking and catching a "ball")
- Atrocious off-field antics (Public urination)
- On field goings-on, including testicle grabbing
- Only "sport" in the world to reward failure eg. If the player misses the goal, he is rewarded with one point
- Search 'AFL'on the internet, and you will be amazed at what you will find
- Stabbings at games *are always covered up due to the AFL friendly media...they do a good job*

I am thankful that I have one full Australian father and a non-Australian mother. Thanks to mum I was not kept ignorant (as all Austalians are), to the sheer atmosphere, velocity, adrenaline and awe-inspiring skill that is Football (Soccer *said in a cringing, childish voice*),that full Australians just do not get. I feel sorry for them and for all who do not understand this.

I am sure this is not the case, but Football is what God made legs for :). It is one of the greatest sources of happiness; particulary for the poor, sad children of the earth. Whatever you beleive in (a major problem in our world)just be happy and positive. Please...

I do not like 'australian rules football', I love Football it makes me happy...Oh and I haven't even started on Criket. :)

by James Longmuir April 8, 2008

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