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Common Coach Beck L

When your coach, whos last name is Beck is acting like a very mean person, also known as, an L person

1: Coach Beck wont let me talk to my friends in class!
2: Thats just a Common Coach Beck L

by Bartholomew P. Wigglesworth September 21, 2022

Common literature

1. A thing that certain people consider "very scary" when used by one who's typing is all over the place, usually very poor grammar, capitalization, spelling, and more, then suddenly changes to the proper way of typing/writing.

2. Obviously learned in many of your English classes, assuming you didn't skip.

3. Very rare. Just rare. Like, "discovered yesterday and it was scary as fuck," rare.

"What? I simply decided to use common literature properly to do better with English. It's not like the world is ending." "YOUR TYPING NORMAL AND IT'S SCARY" "You're, not your. Your is ta-" "SHUT-"

by Discord's Personal Satan January 7, 2021

Common Member day

December 11th is Common Member day.
In this day, common members from Discord servers can break any rule without suffering punishment.

Person A: Oh no, I just broke the rule of no posting memes in general.
Person B: Don't worry, it is okay, today is Common Member day, Discord mods can't do anything to us.

by Totally not Jome December 9, 2020

Common questions and support documentation

When you tap that little help button at the bottom of the page, you get this.

1: tap the help button to get to the Common questions and support documentation
2: you know you want to

by The_Mad_Doctor August 20, 2023

common fixture

One that is regularly found, and likely not to be removed.

He’s a common fixture at the pub, don’t make eye contact or he’ll start telling you longwinded stories.

That character on the the show is a common fixture, I don’t think they’ll kill her off.

by KathyBates November 22, 2021

common lump

a slut

oh look that girl over there is a common lump

by myhumpmyhumpmuhump March 31, 2017

Common loot

In video games, people you kill drop what they are carrying when you kill them, that stuff is called loot. If you are a regular minion, you drop common loot, if you are high level, you drop rare loot. If you are a boss you drop legendary loot

You look like you do common loot.

by Grams June 2, 2023