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Common sense

Somthing that broke down into nothingness

Person 1:You need to use common sense
Person 2: whats a common sense?

by HecKer mAn January 17, 2019

common sense

Literally the trait that is hardest to find in out modern world. So rare it may be a super power.

"wait, my common sense is tingling..." - Deadpool

by A_Person06 May 22, 2019

Common sense

Something that Precious doesn't have

Precious: I know I no too get common sense
Me: it's not even too get sense. You no get at all

by Li freaking Shen June 2, 2020

common friend

A person, other than a good friend, who is present spurratically but is not necessarily known by all.

Someone you would say hi to if you saw them at a party.

Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady are common friends.

Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau are common friends.

by lucylu43 June 20, 2020

Common Elite

The Common Elite are the average Joes of the world. They know what they want and they work hard to get it. They may not own the best name brand of products, but they have what is needed to get the job done. They are The Mom, The Dad, The Solider, The Volunteer, or The Leader that is always putting the extra hours in to make the difference. Their actions may go unnoticed by many, but for those that are affected it means the world.
They are the proud, they are the Common Elite.

They work hard and are part of the Common Elite.

by brinkc85 October 14, 2019

Common Coach Beck L

When your coach, whos last name is Beck is acting like a very mean person, also known as, an L person

1: Coach Beck wont let me talk to my friends in class!
2: Thats just a Common Coach Beck L

by Bartholomew P. Wigglesworth September 21, 2022

Common Member day

December 11th is Common Member day.
In this day, common members from Discord servers can break any rule without suffering punishment.

Person A: Oh no, I just broke the rule of no posting memes in general.
Person B: Don't worry, it is okay, today is Common Member day, Discord mods can't do anything to us.

by Totally not Jome December 9, 2020