Freely, Playful, Immature, and look for a good laugh... The kind of people who don't want to grow up. They are the people who skip school or work to hang out with friends, and still play video games. Are you free young?
I am so free young i don't need school, I am just too sexy. (Example doesn't describe me at all)
Festival that is free to enter, esp. rock festival, such as Glastonbury used to be.
Such festivals attract people who have no access to money and cant be arsed to work for a living, and therefore will spongue off other festival goers who have brought food and alcohol.
Such drongoes are also rough and violent, and prone to fighting and raping and stealing, and generally tarnishing the whole cooperative and sharing ethos of having a free festival in the first place.
My fanily went to this free festival and a gang of drongoes moved into our tent. Never again!
When you fall on a concrete or other hard surface and break your wrist bones.
My friend was ice-skating on the lake the other day and accidentally free taco´d himself.
The term goes back to the American whistleblower Edward Snowden. He often says goodbye with "stay free" instead of "stay safe". He explains that an excessive desire for security always comes at the expense of freedom. He wants to increase the value of freedom by using this closing phrase. Other people use this enactment to express their loyalty with Snowden's values.
A: Ok, see you. Stay safe!
B: Stay free, brother!
To breathe unrestricted air without the shield of a face mask.
"Free-lunger": A person prone to running around without a mask.
"Damn, look at Sara out there among those masked people, just "free-lunging" it like she doesn't even care!"
When a cd skips and produces a repetition of words or gaps in the song producing a new and fun version of the song.
"Oh hot d-d-d-damn th-th-th-this is my jam"
Girls not wearing any underwear; "free balling" for the opposite sex.
"It's so hot, I'm think gonna be free walling it today."