It's when a guy takes a full beer (preferably Guinness) and empties it in a womans vagina during intercourse. The man then proceeds to drink the alcohol from the opening as it flows out in similarity to a waterfall.
An Irishman is having sex with a lady, and decides to pour his beer right down her vagina in order for him to go drink, and lick it out while pleasuring his companion. This is then called an Irish Waterfall (Irish fish market, Luck of the Irish, Drunken Irishman).
4👍 606👎
Of or relating to cars that have been done up to look blingy or fast. They range from poorly done paint and stickers, aftermarket kits that are unpainted or painted the wrong color, spoilers, pointless large mufflers, curb feelers, etc. Can almost always be related to dubs on hoopties or cars that are fast and furious.
I would like to get a 1964 Chevy, but all the ones that I've seen have hydraulics or tiny wheels. I don't really want something from the select market.
A person who does not buy meat (from either restaurants or grocery stores) but will eat meat if it has already been prepared.
The inclusion of market refers to the fact that this person's buying behaviour (from the market's perspective) is like a vegetarian.
At a house party:
Person 1: Did you just have a meat pie? I thought you didn't want to have meat at the restaurant last week?
Person 2: I don't buy meat, but if it's already been purchased I'm ok with having it.
Person 1: Oh! So you're like a Market Vegetarian?
Person 2: Exactly
Person 1: What a hipster
(n): Similar to the "black market", the frat market is the illegal underground drug ring within any given fraternity. It can be used to purchase a wide variety of narcotics and other illegal substances.
Bro I need to hit up the Frat Market for some addy and some hydros to make it through finals!
Some guy who finds himself trading on discord, why he started at age 12 is a whole other story. Apparently he is Indian, so he I have heard rumors that he own several scam call centers so I would personally buy call leaps on those. He also sells 1 on theres that, maybe take put leaps on those. The Market Bishop is also someone who dumbs down everything with trading because he usually only has 2.3 braincells during the average day
Wow, that The Market Bishop has an unusally high winrate percentage...must be all that intel he gets from his call scam centers
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a stupid how who eats shit off of the bare floor /j JKJK YOURE AWESOME
who’s harken market?
:dragon from horten hears a hoo (idk how tf to spell it)