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Office Coffee

Generic term justifying terrible-tasting coffee. Common flavor characteristics include: Burnt, Diluted, Stale, Muddy-water etc.

"Who put Bertha in charge of making the coffee in the morning? It tastes like swamp water."
"What do you expect? It's just Office Coffee."

by Reemster October 3, 2014

Rinse the office

To cleanse one's bottom, using only saliva and tongue.

I paid you $40 to rinse the office. Heres $40 more for a job well done!

by ZaddyMac September 17, 2021


I work in a hospital. Over the years, I have noticed the Human Resources director expresses himself using the same old, tired phrases. Then my boss started using them! Such as, it is what it is, instead of giving me an answer to my question. Instead of saying "I talked to so and so, it is ALWAYS, "I touched base". "Reach out" is just texting somebody. The worst is " I shared that with so and so". I feel like I should say, Thanks for Sharing!

Please talk to me normally, not in office-speak!

by Valteena July 10, 2021

Ross’ Office

A term for when you are seated on the porcelain throne. More commonly known as the shitter and most formally known as the toilet.

Honey, I’ll finish pressing the fresh tomatoes into ketchup soon, I need to head over to Ross’ Office for a little while.

by Bic Daddy April 21, 2019

oath of office

suck my dick

thats the oath of office of my twat

by Mattchan123 October 22, 2017

probing officer

another word for a probation officer

my probing officer extended it, now im fucked.

by tincopper2 May 9, 2013


The office mugshot looks like a pretty innocent mug
If it wasn't for the vodka, it could have been a sippy cup

Fill it up with the waters of roasted Columbia blend
and there you have an office day well spend

Walter took the 'office mugshot', he's now a little tipsy
On Mondays there are mugshots for everyone

by Henk H December 16, 2022