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harry potter

a fun/fantasy book for everyone
there is 5 books so far and expecting 2 more series
a book that some ppls dis and hate alot cuz its gay

"harry potter is gay...harry potter is a hairy pothead"
"i love harry potter...i'm obsessed"

by hairy pothead October 10, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Harry Potter Terrorist

A person that waits in line at a harry potter book launch (most relevantly that of the final installment), and on receiving the sacred novel, promptly flicks to the final portion of the book, scim reads the vitals, then shouts as loudly as possible, the ending of this epic, 6/7? book long tale, destroying albeit temporarily, the lives of the previously oh so excited minions of the man with the big wand.

Some will go into greater depth once they get home, quickly figure out exactly what happens, then let as many fans as possible know what happens eg. by changing their facebook status to something like John Johnson is Harry shags ron who is actually voldemort, harry turns to the dark side with hermione, they menage a trois it till they die. NOT. because theyre immortal.

- Did you see Johns facebook status? What a twat.

- I think the phrase you're looking for is Harry Potter Terrorist

by Harry John Johnson Potter May 13, 2007

116๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Post Potter Depression

The depression one feels upon finishing a Harry Potter novel, or the Harry Potter series. Is brought about by the realization that one must return to the real world, and that reclusive reading does not make one a wizard.
Usually felt internationally in the two weeks succeeding the book's release.

Post Potter Depression (PPD) is an emotional state, and is generally inversely related to the Economic Post Potter Elation (EPPE) initially felt by Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Raincoast Books, and felt soon thereafter by the world's retail booksellers.

Post Potter Depression may remain incurable for some, but many recover within a week of showing initial symptoms.
Most people, mainly parents, feel it is not a serious condition and will cure itself.

Crikey, Dave! Take off the Gryffindor scarf and come for a swim! I think you're suffering from Post Potter Depression!

by Aaroneous Truths July 26, 2007

258๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

post-Potter rage

The rage one feels when someone insults Harry Potter, tries to tell you that it's not real or tries to tell you that everything will be okay.

I think you have a bad case of post-Potter depression and post-Potter rage

by youhavenoidea July 9, 2011

emo harry potter

The phrase to describe that kid in your english class with glasses who looks like Harry Potter but is also really emo and likes drawing beefy boys.

Kid 1 "Hey that kid looks like emo Harry Potter!"
Kid 2 "But emo."
The kid they're talking about "Do you want to see my beefy boy drawings?"

by Kermit Chungus March 8, 2019

Post-Potter Psychosis

The Act of going on any sort of spree (Vandalism, Killing, Sexual, Screaming) after realising that you have just read the 7th and last Harry Potter book, and there will be no more.

Did you hear about the Massacre in that school down in Yorkshire? she killed 206 people with a broomstick with razorwire for bristles. Aparently, it was Post-Potter Psychosis. I blame Manhunt 2, but nevermind.

by Rossyboy8 August 3, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

harry potter kid

A kid who is obsessed with Harry Potter and thinks that they are a wizard.

Harry Potter Kid: Wheeee! Look at me! I'm a wizard.
Me: Suure you are... *runs away*

by americanbeauty August 10, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž