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Battery Creek High School

Battery Creek High School is referred to as one of the best school in the Beaufort County School District. It consists of AP and IB courses, and constantly has many students on the honor roll. It is way better than Beaufort High, because at BHS, they have gang fights and riots everyday (their students don't even learn and end up needing extra tutoring when and IF they get to college). On the contrary, the teachers are very motivating at BCHS and the students are eager to learn. I would prefer Battery Creek over any high school in the county.

Person 1: "What school are going to next year?"
Person 2: "Battery Creek High School"
Person 1: "Wow. I wish I went to that school, it's fantastic"
Person 2: "Yes, I'm glad I am going to attend Battery Creek. The teachers are wonderful!"
Person 1 & 2: "Go Dolphins!"

by MelanieDavis2 January 20, 2011

13πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Up shit creek without a paddle

In Australia it means that you're in a lot of trouble, with no foreseeable way out.

"Oh man, I can't believe I lost my paperwork; that stuff took me hours and it needs to be in by tomorrow!"
"Sounds like you're up shit creek without a paddle, mate."

by Lyrebleu November 2, 2013

109πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Cypress Creek Middle High School

Most of the school is filled with white rich kids that live in Lexington. The first year the school opened our vice principal got arrested, and half the middle school population has blue hair. Class of β€˜23 is filled with a whole lotta bums. Their drama filled lives are irrelevant, two girls got in a fight over a boy in front of the ice cream machine. The school is trash. Who tf thought it was a good idea to put middle and high school together.

They’re from cypress creek oh they cypress freaks. Home of cypress creek middle high school.

by Cumblaster5000 March 28, 2020

Sand Creek High School

A retarded high school with horrible teachers, it's located in the United States Colorado springs, teachers don't care for students, that colors give off a gang shit type vibe, and security sucks donkey dick

Dude I heard that Sand Creek High School never teaches their students

by ParryBEN March 23, 2019

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Spruce creek high school

Where Florida soccer players come to play on a real team. Undefeated seasons and making Seabreeze and NSB their bitches. It doesn’t matter where you come from, when you go to creek, all we do is win win win!

The Spruce Creek High School soccer team is loaded w college talent and likes to remind their little brothers breeze and creek, they’ll never be at the Creek level.

by Creek Asylum January 30, 2021

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Up shit creek without a paddle

(Idiom) To be in an undesirable situation*.

*Elitist would actually enjoy this.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 10, 2004

274πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Up shit creek without a paddle

struggling hopelessly, but bravely, in a very unfortunate situation

We truly are up shit creek without a paddle here!

by SpongeRobert November 4, 2018