Ella Hill is the sexiest Serbian you ever did see. She has a phat crush on Jack O'Mara, but her true destiny lies with belle. Ella cries a lot, but then is happy the next moment. Nobody ever mentions it, but she only has friends because of her cool little brothers, especially Eli. She is everyone's fourth favourite Hill, after Mel and her dad which I think is called Matt but I honestly can't remember, and ofc Eli. She plays netball and judo, but she's not very good at either. She watches sad movies, and fits into jumpers from year three. Her only personality trait is her thermomix and liking Jack. She is also pretty gay
Ella Hill be like: (to the tune to "im in love with marijuana") I'm in love with Jack O'mara
A male dormitory building at NCSSM. When you apply for rooms at NCSSM, you have to take a personality test. Now, you might think that you can't fail a personality test, but Hill is a testimony to the fact that you can.
Divided into First Hill and Second Hill, with language classes beneath them.
Hill? More like first target, amirite?
Now remember Jimmy, never say that you ever lived on Hill House on a first date.
On Hill House, we call them "femoids."
The intersection of I-85 and I-58. Town includes a movie theater. The best movie theater on the planet. Also includes:
Circle Drive
Activities include;
Visiting Denny's
Visiting Hole
Visiting Pool
Not Visiting Circle Drive
Want to go to South Hill this weekend dude?
Only if we go to South Hill Cinemas and not Circle Drive.
6๐ 1๐
All of you who write crap about Sage are stupid. you are just writing that because you either know you could never go there or you are doing poorly. i for one love sage and think it is the best place. the education is great, the teachers rock, the people are awesome, and arts are good, and the sports do really well. yes it is a hard school, but that is to be expected when you decide to attend. so get over it. i love sage and none of your crap will change that so don't instill a fallacy about Sage because it rocks!
Sage requires work but it is a lot of fun with great people and teachers and opprotunities!
137๐ 78๐
A location in St. Louis, MO where Italian heritage is prominent. Today, for P.C. reasons, it is renamed "The Hill." Baseball greats such as Yogi Berra grew up here.
I'm gonna go to Dago Hill and get me some spaghetti.
42๐ 20๐
a small town in Pennsylvania. the majority of the people there have lived there all of their life. It is right by philadelphia and is therefore its inhabitants tend to use black slang. it is however i well respected town that is very pleasant to live in. highlights include the McDonalds, the K center, Wawa, and CVS
man oh man i wish i lived in drexel hill and not clifton heights.
97๐ 53๐
When posing for a photograph, pulling out the chest of your shirt to make it look like you have boobs.
Tired of doing the same meme poses such as bunny ears, peace sign, doing the Tebow or planking, for pictures that would inevitably be uploaded online, Jim decided to caught everyone off guard by Faith Hilling and appearing to have an enormous rack.
24๐ 10๐