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La Douche

1) An eloquent way of calling a guy a dick head
2) A lying, cheating bastard, usually hailing from New Jersey
3) A guy who drives around in a car mommy and daddy bought, with a "Bella" license plate

I still can't believe the shit he pulled, he's a La Douche...

He is beyond Dick Rude, he's what we call a La Douche...

by Turnhead May 27, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

la canada

Also known as "The LC" and commonly referred to as "The Bubble." Where the kids are impossibly good-looking and it's not out of place for a girl to total a luxury car more than a couple times driving home drunk from a house party only to have it replaced by a newer, more expensive model. Everyone loads up on the APs and has a huge sense of entitlement when it comes to education and money. Boys go out of their way when asking girls to dances. Cheesy puns and flowers are a must ("Out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to Homecoming with me?). Many residents are third or fourth generation La Canada. Couture is abundant at La Canada High School - whatever is the latest or most expensive, expect it to be seen at LCHS. Every year there are several coined phrases that are all the rage. These colloquialisms make sense to only those from La Canada - it seriously is like a foreign language cooler than any those from outside will create. Real estate is insane as everyone wants to move here for the school district. Even the tiniest house will have a starting price of at least 2 million.

"La Canada was blacklisted from the Rose Court this year because too many LCers were super shitfaced at the Rose Ball. They couldn't even point out individual people - La Canada as a whole got wasted."

by lcgirlie October 17, 2007

189๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

la douche

french word for shower....but also an excuse to say 'douche' in front of your mom.

kid- she's such la douche...
mom- what'd you say??
kid- shower...*shifty eyes*

by coolchick May 28, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

la' shay

She is really nice, but dont get on her bad side. She is aggresive and loves to talk. She is usually Really social. She is gorgeous and doesnt take no as an answer. She lives to watch romantic netflix series.

Yo look at la' Shay imma hhu

by Freya Riley October 11, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Las Encinas

A hospital that helps the mentally ill and also treats chemical dependency issues. They have a residential treatement program that the world famous Dr. Drew works at. It's located in Pasadena, CA. It's located on 27-acres of lush land, and is the perfect getaway for anyone trying to get get sober that has lots of money.

Hey, lets go detox at las encinas hospital! they have a detox and a psych ward!

by aprilia April 20, 2008

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La fleche

A popular old last name meaning "the arrow" in french. Usually indicates that a certain individual with this name is "strikingly" handsome and able to "strike" your body with the ultimate sex pleasure. Usually romantics who will stop at nothing for the approval of their object of affection.

"Let's go to that restaurant. There's that one La fleche that will do your body good."
"I'm just broke up with him. The only thing I want right now is a La Fleche."

by Francois Leduc August 3, 2009

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La Roux

Duo English band. Singer Elle Jackson has whacked-out hair, but the songs are good.

Unlike in America, you can top the British charts without being a slut and drop-dead gorgeous.

La Roux wrote the now-popular in America "Bulletproof"

by Amber Elixia June 22, 2010

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