You post something like "Just got a promotion at work, woo hoo!" and then after a bunch of people comment "Awesome! Congrats!!", you utilize the EDIT feature on Facebook to change your status to "My wife just told me she wants a divorce...FML!!"
Status-Swap: You post something like "Just got a promotion at work, woo hoo!" and then after a bunch of people comment "Awesome! Congrats!!", you utilize the EDIT feature on Facebook to change your status to "My wife just told me she wants a divorce...FML!!"
A new way to express a current status of relaxation. Any status can be expressed by replacing the first word with an adjective.
jonny: "dang dude that was some good stuff"
chris: "Blown status!"
Jonny: "dude, lets go to a rave!"
chris: "Gay Status!"
The state of being higher than a wookie.
To be a higher class of wookie.
Given to those know for wooking out hardcore.
You get 20 warlock status points for a good accordion solo.
Those grilled string cheese sandwichs are warlock status.
One who successfully exercises the art of changing the topic of a social media status by posting a comment that instigates a conversation or argument about something irrelevant to the status.
Sally's Status: "I just had a baby... I am so excited"
Johnny Boy: "I just started a new diet"
Timid Tim: "Boy, I've been thinking about starting a diet myself, but I'm concerned it won't work for me"
Johnny Boy: "How have you been Tim, sounds like you're still timid."
*conversation between Timid Tim and Johnny Boy commences*
Sally: "You're a status ninja"
A status on Facebook with no sex, no relationship status, and no interest in anyone of the opposite or same sex.
I am changing my profile back to "worm status" as I was getting too many annoying sidebar ads for dating sites.
Basically, how gassy you are. A Fartial Status can be checked after eating at a place that gives you the shitz, such as Chipotle, Taco Bell, McDonald's, and many others.
A fartial status can be ranked on a scale of "I'm fine...", to "SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL ME NOW!!!!"
Person 1: My stomach hurts like Hell...
Person 2: How is your fartial status?
Person 1: I think I'm gonna explode when we get in the car.
Person 2: Oh Hell no! If it's THAT bad, you're walking! You're not stinking up my sick whip!
Something that deserves to be on a billboard for everyone to see
Guy 1: Dude did you see that sick "Tantrum to Blind" I landed on the wakeboard?!
Guy 2: Yea dude, that was so sick , definitely Billboard Status.