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get religion

to change up ways and policy as if having had an epiphany, often hypocritically

Lost a good f*ck buddy because she wanna get religion out of nowhere for the new year, knowing damn well I just got brain and the whole shot from her the month before!

Britney Spears got religion when her father took over her affairs.

by Kuahmel January 23, 2009

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Religion Baiting

Where a large Youtube creator that has between 10k-7m subs would be using religion, to bait children into subscribing or liking his/her content, Which is very similar to Clickbaiting. They usually try to make a video where they have a character that is dressed up as a stereotypical Roblox slender, Then a Stereotypical Nun/Muslim. During the end of the video, large font saying " Like and subscribe if you love (insert Religion here)! " Is placed, and this either happens in Youtube shorts, or Tiktok.

"Yo! Have you seen the new Religion Baiting Youtuber? She's so cringe!"

by roblox6969669 August 23, 2023

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Religion Zoned

Where the boy/girl comes back from something religious, such as a retreat or a lock in and rejects you.

Religion Zoned - "I know I said I wanted to be more than friends... But I thought about the relationship while I was gone, and I feel like it's unholy.
Maybe you should come to church sometimes!"

by pseudonymnamepseudonym September 8, 2013


When you don't believe in anything, do not care, and or don't like the other labels.

I am in the DILLIGAF Religion as in I don't care because I don't believe in anything.

by DILLIGAF Preacher April 5, 2021

Morganized Religion

When someone's spiritual beliefs have been shaped by Morgan Freeman's portrayal of God as a really nice guy in a white suit.
Refer to movies such as Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty, etc. Whereas, judging by all the sh*t that happens, he's more like Loki in the Avengers.

Oh, that happy clappy chick's got a severe dose of Morganized Religion.

by tuck1s October 15, 2015

Rog Religion

Itโ€™s a religion where rog leads us to the Boop and leads us to the promise land and he kills everyone who doesnโ€™t believe in the rogs

Rog:Hey are you part of the rog religion?

Jerry:No itโ€™s not real


by The Lord Rog October 27, 2018

organized religion

A form of crime ring or cult that relies on convincing the general public that they are the guardians of morality and ethics.
They usually hide behind walls of self-righteousness and mass manipulation.

Questioning their propaganda is prohibited - sometimes as part of any scriptures or other materials passed down through the generations.

In this, they are able to exist for centuries, or even millennia - without interference from most forms of government and law enforcement.
Some of their favourite victim groups include:
- Young Children
- People with Disabilities
- The Mentally Ill
- The Naive
- Members of other organized religions, or even persons not affiliated with one

BOB: Hey Tom, did you hear Father Grimes got sent to jail cause he raped a bunch of kids 20 years ago?
TOM: That's organized religion for you...

MARY: Hey Betty, my parents are thinking of going to Syria to kill people that don't agree with their beliefs...
BETTY: Good grief... sounds like that organized religion got to their heads.

ADAM: Richard, have you heard of that group that meets at the community centre every weekend? COVID's got me bored as fuck... I'm thinking of joining.
RICHARD: Watch out, that's some cult-ass organized religion bullshit going on there.
ADAM: Oh wow, thanks! Definitely going to be skipping that garbage.

by diabetesspicelatte November 11, 2021

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