Do you sure? Added to a sentence or just alone it means 'are you sure?'
You can do it!
me when the dus dus dus dus when the me when the dus dus dus dus hdfaksjhuafdlj dus dus dus yes dus when the dus dus when i when the dus
me when dus: dus dus
dus dus: dus dus dus
dus dus dus: dus dus dus dus dus dus dus
me when the dus when the the dus me me when dus dus when when du when when when when the dus when the dus
me when the dus: dus
Literally "top secret pho", ordering a pho du ma tells the chef you are very well versed in Viet culture and desire the highest quality that the restaurant can provide. Order this to get the best out of any pho restaurant.
Can I order a pho du ma? Cam on!
a scam centre located in Burwood and Hurstville (bad side of T4), where selective school students compete against each other in order to become maths geniuses (it doesn't work). students prioritise dr du over actual schoolwork and hence receive mediocre scores in maths exams.
also dont even get me started on dr du english
Person 1: "You wanna go out on Sunday?"
Person 2: "Nah, sorry brother, I got Dr Du."
"Du lukker bare bøtten, mand" is a Danish expression equivalent to "you are very beautiful" or "you look great".
It should is usually said with great enthusiasm.
Mick: hey Cecilia! Du lukker bare bøtten, mand
Cecilia: awe thank you Mick, you look great too