Maple Fever is when a boy or girl is attracted to a person of candian descent.
"That girl is really hot",
"Dude shes candian, looks like you have maple fever".
A Rarted little game for Rarted little shits.
Hey did you see that Rarted child playing Maple Story
what you tell the cops you thought you were growing
sorry officer, i swear the packet said bamboo maple, i had no idea!
The act of drowning Miley Cyrus with semen.
I spent my entire night maple cyrusing. Sadly, it was unsuccessful.
When you are sure to win a game/series and miraculously choke and lose the game, defying all odds.
Source: Toronto Maple Leafs playing in game 7 of 2013 NHL Playoffs Round 1 against the Boston Bruins with 10 minutes to go and leading 4-1, and again with less than 2 minutes left and leading 4-2, start choking and lose the game and the series in OT.
"The Bruins just maple leaf'ed game 6 of the cup final! Karma's a biaaatch!"
"We've almost got this game! let's not be maple leafing it in these final minutes boys!!"
to be covered with maple trees, leaves etc
bruh nice tree house i like the leaves on it
ik right its p mapled
The most important part of Canadian sex.
Person 1: Hey man, did you and Kelly do it last night?
Person 2: Yeah man, and she's from Canada so she asked me go maple syrup moose sploosh style.
Person 1: OH wow I bet that was sticky.
Person 2: You know I got that Canadian rizz tho dawg