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maple fever

Maple Fever is when a boy or girl is attracted to a person of candian descent.

"That girl is really hot",
"Dude shes candian, looks like you have maple fever".

by Swinger of Steel September 25, 2015

Maple Story

A Rarted little game for Rarted little shits.

Hey did you see that Rarted child playing Maple Story

by DarkstarX1 May 5, 2018

bamboo maple

what you tell the cops you thought you were growing

sorry officer, i swear the packet said bamboo maple, i had no idea!

by anon3143 January 2, 2010

maple cyrus

The act of drowning Miley Cyrus with semen.

I spent my entire night maple cyrusing. Sadly, it was unsuccessful.

by Mirey Syrus October 17, 2013

Maple Leafing

When you are sure to win a game/series and miraculously choke and lose the game, defying all odds.

Source: Toronto Maple Leafs playing in game 7 of 2013 NHL Playoffs Round 1 against the Boston Bruins with 10 minutes to go and leading 4-1, and again with less than 2 minutes left and leading 4-2, start choking and lose the game and the series in OT.

"The Bruins just maple leaf'ed game 6 of the cup final! Karma's a biaaatch!"

"We've almost got this game! let's not be maple leafing it in these final minutes boys!!"

by hockey gods June 25, 2013


to be covered with maple trees, leaves etc

bruh nice tree house i like the leaves on it
ik right its p mapled

by synonym!? March 13, 2022

maple syrup moose sploosh

The most important part of Canadian sex.

Person 1: Hey man, did you and Kelly do it last night?
Person 2: Yeah man, and she's from Canada so she asked me go maple syrup moose sploosh style.

Person 1: OH wow I bet that was sticky.
Person 2: You know I got that Canadian rizz tho dawg

by ajb123 May 5, 2024