The best waifu of them all! Sympathetic, funny and Mommy! The queen of fanservice with the thighs and boobs!
"I really want a Marin Kitagawa body pillow" "Me too man, me too."
A person who wants to become a marine but can't because they work at a pizza store
You pizza marine
Something Jake Adams made up to impress Rosie
Rosie did you know about marine snow!
A man with such loyalty and respect that even after his wife spends 9 months away fighting to keep this country safe, he never once approaches anothe. A man who is strong enough to work two jobs, raise his kids, and love his wife 10000 miles away.
The marine husband works at the 7 day and the mcdonalds, makes it to his kids soccer games, and never once waivered from his wives side while she was serving over seas.
Marine Raiders are a force, expeditionary in nature, prepared to thrive in uncertain, chaotic, and austere environments, determined to excel with Spiritus Invictus – an “unconquerable spirit.”
The Marine Raider stormed the enemy compound
when you see something crazy and you have to sit there and digest the whole situation
Ethan-“yo carson got with a freshman”
Jackson-“let that marinate”