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Nip Dip

As you approach orgasm during sex, you pull out and drop your load on your girls chest.

Hey man bring some chips, because soon i'll be making some Nip Dip.

by Rbomb04 April 2, 2015

Nip flip

To flip a female or male’s titties

C’mere so I can give you a nip flip...

by Scrooble dong likes MacDondles December 19, 2018

Nip Nap

A word used to describe a stupid person

Tom is such a fucking Nip Nap

by Not_hexp August 5, 2018

1👍 1👎

stone nips

A person with stone hard nips. It usually happens when you're cold or after working out your upper body. This is in a way similar to the phrase "turning on the headlights".

That guy got some stone nips after doing some bench presses.

by Reliable_Source October 9, 2013

Nip Reading

An incredibly obvious thing every person (man or woman) does when they see a girl with particularly prominent boobs. Staring incredibly intently like they're trying read a book without opening the cover.

These motherfuckin pervs are always nip reading, "my eyes are up here"

by Mary Tyler Moore December 12, 2016

noodle nips

Very long nipples

Patrica has noodle nips

by york Hunt January 25, 2014

Nip Rip

A more aggressive variation of the classic purple nurple. Not as harsh as a titty twister.

"Dude I just gave a brutal nip rip to that other dude "

by Charombie February 28, 2012