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Penis pills

A pill to make yo penis shoot up

Penis pills

by Kenzkenx March 16, 2019


The horrendous decay and rotting of one's teeth due to prescription drug abuse. Usually expedited by way of severe promiscuity.

My slutty ex-wife had the worst case of pill-rot I have ever seen.

by assassin989 December 26, 2011

the indigo pill

Like The Purple Pill but before representing awareness. - Meme Analysis 2020.

He has taken the indigo pill, showing awareness.

by TheHeroKing April 24, 2023

Beige Pilled

You’re boring and can’t dress well.

“Dude I got sat next to Johhny in class. He’s so beige pilled, it makes me want to die.”
“Aw, unlucky”

by basedblackpiller December 9, 2022

pill shot

Basically a "shot glass-sized" cup filled with a concoction of pills, most likely prescription pills, that a person consumes in one sitting.

Kind of like when nurses at hospitals hand out a patient's medication in those little paper dixie cups, then they shoot the pill(s) to the back of their throat as if they're downing a shot of tequila.

Addicts or people who think they need a pill and/or vitamin for everything, would be known to devour pill shots regularly & voluntarily at home. Old and/or seriously sick people with multiple prescriptions usually have to prepare pill shots as part of their daily regiment instructed by their respective doctors.

Lorraine has to make sure her mentally unstable niece Suzanne actually washes down her nightly pill shot of antipsychotics, otherwise her behavior can become unpredictable & dangerous.

After his divorce and car accident, Mike eventually became addicted to taking a pill shot of Vicodin tablets every night to help numb his pain, far more than the doctor's recommended dosage. He eventually ended up in rehab but recovered successfully.

by THEjoseG August 13, 2014

nutsack pilled

Nutsack pilled is a term you can use to describe any action or any person that has done anything gigabased or something extremely admirable

Scrotum Joe: I just fucked a bitch and lit her house on fire

STD Bill: Nutsack pilled

by ThePope72 June 21, 2021

pill diet

A diet which consists of more than 15% over-the-counter or prescription drugs instead of actual food, since the person on it is either a drug dealing pharmacist, a hypochondriac, or has at least a dozen medical conditions. And no, I'm not making fun of people with medical conditions. That is personal experience.

A Human: Damn, how did Jenny get so fuckin' sexy? She was a complete fatass last summer.
Another Human: Oh, Jenny? She's on a pill diet now, so she doesn't pass out from starving herself.

by Swaglord A. McBallerboy October 23, 2016