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Rick Perry Strong

To use hate and bigotry to spread a political message.

Named after Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry's infamous video/ad of the same name.

Rick Perry lover: If we want to fix our economy, we need to stop giving welfare to the minority races.

Normal guy: Oh no he's gone Rick Perry Strong! Quick let's get him to a psychiatrist before he starts talking about making his religion and homophobia mandatory.

by Gaaraofthedamned January 2, 2012

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get strong

to get smoke weed til you're high, see also: get stupid

Hey man, wanna get strong?

by Reefo Madness October 12, 2010

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strong boi feelings

When a guy likes a girl so much, he starts talking a little gay. #uwu

Chad: "My feelings for you aren't frail, they're strong boi feelings."

by zafirabeth June 3, 2020

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Strong Bad

almost funny dude. almost. strong bad is possibly the funniest cartoon character ever. come on fhwqwgads.

by shavednuts May 13, 2003

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stretch arm strong

A great hardcore band that has its roots in both the Punk and metal.

by ace November 6, 2003

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strong nose

when your dealer says this it more than likely means the weed is shitty. stay away

dealer: i got bubba kush. Strong nose. HMU

by Vergoso_420 July 16, 2020

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Big Strong Man

A cute pet name to call your boyfriend to make him feel masculine and sexy

Awww I love you Big Strong Man

by skylarskank July 24, 2008

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