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most extreme elimination challenge

Captain Tenneal:
"How many of you think that MXC is just a stupid waste of time just for drunk people in some third world country to laugh at? Show of Hands now!"

( Hex Ten, Moses, Anonymous raises hands)
"Well your wrong! MXC is the best show and its for everyone you stupid bumper-headed baboons (you suck) LETS GO!!

Bumper-headed baboon --- People who dont get it. Not to call any names or anything but thier initials are Hex ten, Moses and anonymous!!!

by Captain Tenneal January 11, 2004

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most extreme elimination challenge


No example needed. Above definition says it all.

by The Ravenclaw Seeker April 27, 2004

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GG the extreme wrestler

An alter ego of Glozell, a hysterically funny internet personality with over 1000 videos on Youtube. GG is the star of Glozell's video, 'GG the World Greatest Extreme Wrestler', and can be defeated by nobody, not even her opponent!

Person 1: omg have you ever seen Glozell on youtube?
Person 2: of course! my favorite's her video about GG the extreme wrestler!
Person 1: lol me too! she was amazing: "NOBODY CAN TAKE ME DOWN!!!"

by lelelola1120 December 19, 2011

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most extreme elimination challenge

1. The best show in the whole wide world.
2. A half hour panacea for the having-a-bad-day-blues.

I watched Most Extreme Elimination Challenge and my day got brighter.

by King Gabey March 22, 2004

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global struggle against extremism

George W. Bush's new phrase for "the war on terror"

george bush, you are an idiot.

by WTFROFLMFAOBBQ July 29, 2005

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most extreme elimination challenge

A totally off the wall game show thats as funny as watching a one legged dog at a fire hydrant. INDEED!! Right you are Kenny. The funniest game show i've ever seen. Not the smartest show, but the funniest!!

During a couples show, the male swings from a rope over a small pond and has to make his body stick to a wall (the wall looks like a window with curtains)directly accross said pond. He wears a velcro suit i assume. As he prepares his wife shouts to him " Keep it between the pink curtains honey!" Hysterical..

by Richard Cranium January 15, 2004

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right wing extremism

The #1 public enemy of all ideologies

Right wing extremism taking what's worst on every single ideologies, from the left, to the right, and even centre/moderate:
1. They rejecting religion
2. They rejecting science
3. They playing "identity politics" and promoting "groupthink"/"intellectual masturbation"/"circlejerk"
4. They love violence
5. They're supporting status quo
6. They're discriminative (racist, ageist, ableist, sexist)
7. Usually, they have small penis and sexual frustration, so they're doing this to overcompensate their sexual disabilities
8. They're opinionated as fuck
9. They promoting excessive control against free market
10. They violating human rights and rejecting democracy
11. They're minuscule, but extremely loud and obnoxious

by Sir. B July 7, 2021

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