Source Code

what you at?

What you at? = what are you doing?

"Hi mate, what you at??"
"I'm just at home watching TV, what you at??"
"I'm just out having a meal"

by SebDomb84 March 16, 2018

What do you want, a cookie?

A sarcastic retort you use on someone when they tell you something you don't give two flying fadoodles about.

Random Facebook person: This is my first (insert completely random item here) of the year!!!!!!

Someone else: What do you want, a cookie?

by Pialinist January 8, 2023

what would you do in this situation?

A statement said when there is a nothing you can realistically do in a situation.

Often responded simply as "Id need to intervene"

"Hey John what would you do in this situation?"
(Shows video of a semi hauler truck falling down a cliff during a blizzard)
"I'd have to intervene!"

by Дecca September 10, 2023

Nate, what are you doing man?

refers to a scene in the film "Imperium" where the main character, Nate, hosts a riot for white supremacy. In which a colored actor asks "Nate, what are you doing man?", to where Nate responds "Shut the fuck up nigger"

You: "Nate, what are you doing man?"

someone: "shut the fuck up nigger"

by bearded dragons r kewl March 12, 2024

I wanna see what you get to experience all the time

Da reason you give a dude when asking him to let you have sex wif his wife or girlfriend.

A slightly-differently-worded version of da "I wanna see what you get to experience all the time" justification could likely also suffice if you have a chance to be alone wif a guy's alluringly-curvaceous-and-busty significant other and are asking her directly if she'll spread her legs for you; what you'd say instead when explaining why you're requesting intimacy wif her would be, "I wanna see what your husband/boyfriend gets to experience all da time". And in fact, you very well might even have a better chance of consent when you're just wif da gal by herself than you would wif asking da guy, since he would not even be present at dat time to be "doing it" wif her himself in da first place, and so it wouldn't even be as if he was missing a sexual opportunity of his own by her doing it wif you; you'd simply be "filling in for him" --- literally, as in, "filling" da chick's love-tunnel wif your love-pipe --- during his absence. As soon as he gets back, he could likely start "doing da bouncy-bouncy" wif her immediately da way he usually could, regardless of her also having had sex wif you shortly beforehand (provided you didn't make her too sore "down there", of course --- use lube and go easy on her so as not to make him suspect dat another guy was luluing her).

by QuacksO March 13, 2023

dig what you dug

best song ever. 23/10 actors and one barista would recommend

adri loves dig what you dug. dig what you dug is adri's song.

by ejsuntan October 23, 2020

What are you on?

Slang; used when reacting to someone's odd behaviour

Person 1: I'm a monkey oo-aa-oo-aa
Person 2: What are you on?

by niggadick22 May 31, 2023