February 3rd is a national Alissar day. On this day, people must show how much they love and appreciate Alissar, buy her gifts, and of course get her flowers. This day is also considered a “Yes day”, which means that on February 3rd, “no” doesn’t exist.
-Wow, who did you get peonies for?
-Are you out of your mind, how could you forget that it’s February 3rd, National Alissar day!!!
The sweetest and most attractive girl was born on this day. They are every redhead's crush. And no one should ever ignore their birthday just because almost every super bowl lands on that day.
Person with red hair: That person born on February 3 is soooo hot
Person 2: You should ask them out.
this birthday has the hottest people born on it and they pull all the milfs and hoes
“DAMN he’s born of February 3rd, well I guess he’s a chick magnet
Faith issues; food issues; father issues
“A girl blogger with the 3 f issues”
A phone that is good, but crashes with new apps that require better software
Guy: My LG Lucid 3 is so trash every game crashes and it has less than 1GB of space
Other guy: Just buy a Samsung Galaxy
Guy: I can't, I'm too poor.