A god among people, the creator of everything and the ender of everything. Only the most legendary creatures can obtain the name Adventure Cat
Do you believe in Adventure Cat, Yes of cause I believe in god
A fat cat outlaw is a cat that on a day to day basis steals your belongings
A cat so fat and so long to the point it looks like a burrito with fat hanging on the side
May I please have the burrito cat with rice and beans, oh and the chips and salsa thing for $4.99
Would you like a drink
Yes Diet Pepsi
A female wrongly categorized into the order of Homo sapien ( it is in fact homo-americanus-very-retardus).
These females wrongly brought up by their neglecting parents are constantly linger inside and around mall's, mostly aimlessly wandering. A lot of times they emit a very loud and annoying mating call that some humans mistakenly identify as 'laughter', however, it is not. In fact, it is a mating call for the mall dogs, which are in the order of cockroachus-uncultured-pigus-americanus. Both of these animals frequent the mall, are extremely annoying, too loud, obnoxious, disrespectful and unintelligent. Their calling card is channel no5, 1 liter of diluted starbugs 'coffee' (instant cancerus-horsepissus). When startled, especially the black variants will resolve for their primal instincts, which are: anger tantrums, high pitched screaming, jaggy, irregular movements, and dark wizard chants, most commonly 'Watup ma nigga' 'Lesss go ma nigga'. When encountering these vile creatures dispose of them humanely or inhumanely by kicking them out of the mall, returning them to the hospitals in which they were born or deporting them to a designated wild life reserve known as Ethiopia.
Look at those girls! They're screaming, barely wearing anything, in their pajamas, wearing crocks!
Those aren't girls. They're mall cats. Brainless beings destined to wander the malls of America, annoying the happen-to passing by Europeans.
Mackenzie: How are you feeling today Amy?
Amy: Frisky like the cat food.
ghetto cat - cats seen in the ghetto
ghetto cat - (derogatory) children from the ghetto
Go slow when you make this turn, ghetto cats are always in the street here.
A seldom used insult, favored by hoodlums, comparing and individual to a domesticated "pet" cat as opposed to a stray cat, big cat, or wild cat, how ever stray cat can also be used as an insult. It is a play off the term "cat" used simply to refer to an individual.
The phrase "house cat" is typically directed towards those who lack street smarts, criminal affectation, or who other wise appear uncomfortable or out of place when confronted. The origin is unknown but it was likely first used from any where as early as the 1940s. It's popularity peaked in the 1970s and fell from use nearly entirely by the 1990s.
guy 1 "fight me bro!" girl "I just don't know Jimbo, I told David I go to the
dance with him..."
guy 2 "who you gonna fight, house cat?"
(reveals switchblade) guy "Aw give me a break, that house cat wouldn't
know what to do with ya"