Scenario 1
Donald and James talk about what the blood sausage which has not been cut looks like.
Donald: That blood sausage looks like a big fockin BIIIIIIIIIIIG poop snake when uncut!
James: Dunnit mate! I bet it does look like a poop snake!
Donald: Aye, me fine fellow!
Scenario 2
Bill has to shit. It's a rather long one, but not long enough for the toilet, so he shits in the ground.
Bill: I gotta keep shitting... but I can't hold it longer.
Mark: You can do it man!
Bill: *keeps shitting until it stopped*
Mark: Wow, man! That was a long poop snake! :D
Poop Goon, or Poop Gooning, is the act of holding in ones poop for as long as possible, until you have to take such an enormous shit that you reach goon state from pooping.
When you finally release this huge amount of poop, the feeling is so releaving. Some people might even describe it as orgasmic
It is comparable to edging your penis so hard, that you reach goon state.
Involuntary poop gooning can also occur, when you simply have no acces to a toilet.
“I needed to poop in the train but the toilet was occupied, so I decided to poop goon for a few hours and the shit was amazing”
John: “Dude I need to poop so bad, can I use your toilet?”
Ricky: “Hell naw dude, just poop goon for a few hours and go at your own place, believe me the shit will be euphoric”
When you just don’t know what the fuck going on and you doing random shit. You can’t function properly because you’re all kinds of fucked up.
Carl: Aye you did you see bob last night, he was totally lost.
Steve: Yea, he had the baby poops not gonna lie.
An act of eating little penu in a white van off of the carribian. Sometimes ty will go to sleep with his wife Tanya and see a group of slaves shitting in a circle, this is when Japan has gay sex with slaves than forces them to poop in a circle. Tanya likes to watch ty joins in to have fun. He is gay
Poop circle: I love me
The greatest substance created by man
When I die, I hope it is in poop acid
Used to describe the Indians who always play tennis at Britney Springs and honda. They come in waves and always take up all the court space especially after 5 o clock after their shifts at buckys nem. They have such great numbers all all reek of expired curry that the entire area smells like shit.
Heater nems: Yo dog, u tryna play some tennis at britney springs?
Higginson: Shit, its fucking 630pm. That place is probably swarming with poop and pees
Heater nems: Fuck!