Source Code


PAYDAY: 3, a term that is commonly used to warn and/or predict the flop and poor quality of a product, usually a piece of media, that is contained within a media franchise/product line. Specifically this is when referring to a possible third installment in the afformentioned media franchise/product line.

Common uses of this term are utilised when fantasizing, theorising, predicting, or just discussing the possibility of a third installment of a videogame franchise, usually large IP's that have laid dormant for extended periods of time.

1. When in relation to a possible third release, usually utilised in a warning tone;
"Bro, i wish they released TITANFALL 3! It's been so long since any content was even leaked!"

"Are you dumb? Respawn Entertainment is just gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3"

2. (Hypothetical scenario) When the term is utilised to predict, it will commonly appear something like this:
"man, did you see what Valve announced? Gabe Newell is gonna release Half-Life 3!"

"they are gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3 i swear to god why do i even try anymore"

by BallSmasher:) February 26, 2025


my world, universe

...and he looked deeply into her eyes and said your my love my happiness my Ann<3

by lolol<3 December 18, 2021


my world, universe

...and he looked deeply into her eyes and said your my love my happiness my ann<3.

by lolol<3 December 18, 2021

December 3 2005

It is said that the most beautiful and best person was born on this date. His name: Bastian Hoie

P1:"Omg do you remember december 3 2005, that was when Bastian Hoie was born."
P2:"Yeah i love that guy so much"

by Dracxq April 19, 2022

3 damage

When you deal 3 damage with a Pump Shotgun in Fortnite

You: Guy on me
Friend: I'm coming bro
*You shoot the pump*
You: 3 DAMAGE *you procceed to say why the game is shite, but just start up another round"

by IsYaBoii August 7, 2018

your mom<3

use this when you hear any question

them: “what’s your favorite dinner”
you: “your mom<3” lol also i love you addyson. forever and always.

by iloveaddyson lol November 26, 2021

3d youtube firearm 3

3d gunner youtube

Gorilla glue and sawdust can be used to create a molded part that is strong and durable. Here is how you can make a molded part using Gorilla glue and sawdust:

- Gorilla Glue
- Sawdust
- Mixing bowl
- Measuring cup
- Mixing spoon or spatula
- Mold or form
- Sandpaper


1. Mix the Gorilla Glue and sawdust together in a mixing bowl. Start with a ratio of 1:1, and adjust as needed to achieve the desired consistency. The mixture should be thick and moldable, but not too dry or too wet.

2. Press the mixture into the mold or form, making sure to pack it tightly and evenly. Smooth out the surface as much as possible.

3. Let the mixture dry for at least 24 hours, or until it is completely hardened.

4. Remove the molded part from the mold or form. If necessary, use a knife or other tool to carefully pry it loose.

5. Sand the surface of the molded part with sandpaper to remove any rough or uneven spots. You can also use sandpaper to shape and refine the part as needed.

6. Your molded part is now ready to use! It can be painted or finished as desired.

even substitue the sawdust for your drywall if ground with morter and pestol glue sticks work if mixed with alcohol.

Part 3
3d youtube firearm 3

by Cody5050 May 22, 2023