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Used to describe something that hard work was put into creating its beauty or attractiveness.

Wow, look at that girl, she's covered in sawdust.

by Slaybel June 3, 2014

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The remains of a cereal such as Quaker Oat squares or Frosted Mini Wheats. Flavor is Questionable.

I was going to eat Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast, but there was only sawdust left in the bag

by Mustard lover November 27, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


sawdust the new albumb by the band the killers
it is a collection of b-sides and new stuff by the group.
Including sams town b-side all the pretty faces
and a compilation for the song tranqulize with the velvet revolver frontman lou reed

fangirl:brandon flowers is so hot.
there releasing a new albumb right?
other fangirl: yeah its called sawdust
fangirl: om my ..sex in words...

by tkc_me October 10, 2007

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adj. to describe, better yet, make a comparison to actual sawdust created by cutting something made out of wood and being inside a girl

Bro #1 : Yooo did u get with her?

Bro #2: Yeah, i was going go down on her until i came to realization my fingers weren't in a pile of sawdust...they were(interrupted by Bro #1)

Bro #1: hahaha nah no way

by Team Sawdust October 14, 2009

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Sawdust Lubricant

Dry sawdust that is thrown into the vagina to assist with penetration.

Man: This girl was so wet that I had to use my patented sawdust lubricant before I could fuck her.

by Squeeze808 October 19, 2011

sawdust smoothie

when you scratch the dry sweaty skin of your gooch into your friends face while he's sleeping, then you have a juicy fart wake him up

give him a sawdust smoothie when he goes to sleep, he's too drunk to even know.

by BTK ALL DAY May 3, 2011

Sawdust Woody

A "Sawdust Woody" is a slang term used to describe a false erection that appears visually idyllic but is actually soft and pliable when examined. It's a "counterfeit erection" that may occur due to various factors such as anxiety, medication side effects, or medical conditions.

*Becky to a friend* Wow, Elrond really ended up having a Sawdust Woody - very disappointing.

by ca$h AF April 17, 2023