The use of a food in a sentence to say “that’s in” or “that’s good” in basketball or “for the gamers” 2K
Yo bro im gonna shoot this, green bean
An inexperienced or unskilled barista; usually a newly hired coffeeshop employee who's still learning the basic skills of the job. Alludes to an unroasted coffee bean, which is naturally green in color.
"Ashley just started last week. She's nice, but she can barely steam a latte. Total green bean..."
Green beans are things that Jeffy HATES.
a person who is for the streets
a person that is wayy too friendly
Person 1: “Did you hear how he flirting with another girl while she wasn’t around bro?”
Person 2: “Damn that boy is a green bean.”
He's one of the nicest people I've ever met...he's always there for me when I need him and he is such a great friend in general I'm glad I met him! He is so funny and kind, I am glad to call him my friend.
Hey have you talked to green bean yet?
- Green bean AKA side hoe/side dish
- A mf who is too green (happy) about something that should be an embarrassment.
- A mf who fucks your significant other, then brags out it.
- A mf who brags in general.. Green bean.
- A mf who thinks they better than you.. Green bean.
- A bitch who stalks your whole relationship because you’ve been dating the guy she’s obsessed with for 5 years now and she’s STILL pressed.. yeah ITS A MF GREEN BEAN BITCH (;
“So you’re bragging because my man cheated on me with YOU but you got nothing out of it other than a wet ass? You a green bean ass bitch”
“Simmer down, green bean”