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John Backflip

One story claims that John Backflip performed the first backflip in 1316 in medieval Europe. However Backflip was eventually exiled after his rival, William Front Flip, convinced the public that Backflip was using witchcraft.

Person 1: dude who did the first backflip?

Person 2: it got to be none other than John Backflip!!

by Fortnitebawlz July 12, 2024

10👍 2👎

John Daily

The nick-name of The Daily Show's John Stewart.

Dad: John Daily is funny and smart.

Me: Its John Stewart but nevertheless, he is awesome.

by Mistah Tom June 15, 2006

Rough John

A violent client as referred to by prostitutes; A wife beater;

Marsha: Dam Linda, wha happened to yo face?
Linda: Had a rough john trucker last night, at least he tip good.

Matt: Hey Sam, you heard Lucy is divorcing her husband?
Sam: No wonder, he was a rough john.

by rough john December 6, 2024

Mama John

Papa John's Wife, and Jimmy John's Mom.

Hey Mama John! - Papa John
Hey Papa John - Mama John

by taxitaco April 23, 2024

John fahy

A fucking bitch who sits on his chair all day and watches world at war videos on his broke ass Samsung. He’s a pedo who likes to give girls “extra credit” if you know what I mean he likes to help them out with problems and grabs them. If you play music he will rape you hard. He drives a blue Prius with dildos on his windshield and a I love country men on the back of his car.

Did you just see that,

See what

That was John fahy

He raped me
Yeah i know

He fucked you to ?
No he ate my shit

by Yourfather03 April 3, 2019

Sweatpants John

Sweatpants John is what you call someone that is really good at a video game. They try so hard that they sweat. And they would then need to put Sweatpants on.

Brooooo that Sweatpants John literally killed me in 5 seconds. Fortnite is such a tough game!

by Cragnon December 18, 2023


Born to make money with little to no love and lots of loyalty and a mass amount of aggression.

The realest person to know is, John-Tae

by Stinga9x November 23, 2021