carl john is a very nice,sweet,and loving person,he
likes to talk to his friend briony a lot.He's a big fan of cat and capybaras.Carl john may be goofy all the time but he's really smart and intelligent.
Carl john is a very attractive person.
Carl john music taste is the best.
john alex is a goody two shoes who likes men
that new kid is such a john alex
John Bernard Wieksner who also goes by as Jack looks like a 5th grader, but is instead in highschool. He has an average size dick for his hight. He is a literal crack head, he also realy wants to FUCK the shit out of some girl whos name starts with M.
John Brenard Wieksner is a crack head
A faggot who spends all his time on the internet
Want to hang out?
No im being a John with an H today.
When 2 males squat face to face in a gym while one twists the nipples of the other as if fine tuning a radio station
“I was 3 reps into my set when bro gym-johnned me…”
The name of a fucking legend who will become prime minister one day
“damn that guy is so hot, but not as hot as john sunflower seeds!”
(Noun) The N-word but papa John said it
Blarg: GRIZZY SAY THE Papa Johns Word
Grizzy: No! I can’t he’s not black!