anyone called Brandon automaticly have a penis so small you can't see it
Have you seen brandons miniscule penis
Haha of course you havn't its impossible to see
A day where only the longest penis men get celebrated with hand-jobs. Very special and very good
Hey, what are you gonna do with ur girl on “National Penis day
When sex with a penis goes to the extreme.
Man: I am tired of regular penis sex, tonight we're doing extreme penis sex
A stunt typically performed during intercourse, in which a male will spin on his erect penis whilst the aforementioned limb is still in a woman's vagina, The Man Spinning Like a Spinning Top.
Dylan: dude I performed Beyblade Penis Maneuver on my girlfriend last night!
Marvin: what the fuck
Sorry Bro, you can't see this because of yourChonky pp
Some dude with a small penis: sorry dude you can't enter the small penis club
You: oof
An person (male or female) who displays a tenuously tough covetous, jealous attitude of any nature that evolves into an lifelong obsessive competition about everything.
An person Who puffs up his chest to any other form of life including animals and further threatens to fight anyone who may ding or shatter his/her incredibly fragile ego.
Anyone can be afflicted by little penis syndrome but clinical studies show these symptoms are more prevalently displayed by men.
My truck is better than yours.
My tattoos are better than yours..
I’ll fight you over it.
Thinks he is tough but is a pussy in real life.
asshat, assclown, dumbass, chicken shit, poser little penis syndrome
When your fellow team mates in battle chop off your arms and you have to put the light saber between your legs
I was in battle with my friend he had a blue light saber and I had a red one he chopped off my arms and I looked like I had a erect penis from my light saber the light saber penis was very difficult to control between my legs