A term used infrequently (in areas of Chicago usually by a male), who has initiated rough intercourse with someone he dislikes or even hates in some cases.
RG decided to Slap Box with JP before Wayne got a chance.
army slang for supply transport troops or truck drivers
Private : we are just box kicker and now you want us to be your fireteam
Sergeant : We are marines ! Do you got that clear private !
Private : Sir,yes,sir !
(noun) A useless item in Dank Memer (Discord bot), giving you even more useless items when opened.
oh look i got a useless normie box
someone that can smoke anywhere,anytime anyplace
LMFAOOO sis is a walking box
when you friend says box but he opens his hand and graps yours and slowly starts fransh kissing it
he dude box O FACK he is gay box it
(o shit it happend again)
A forever box is a woman you plan on keeping forever
John are you really going to let your forever box stop us from going bar hopping again
She really likes the box o' wine; maybe a little too much.
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