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G Wigga

A pasty white ginger wigga

See that G wigga, hes pretty fly for a white guy

by indybob July 8, 2009

53👍 5👎


A single sound that makes all the emos and goths burst into tears, including myself.

"i heard the g-note...... im sobbing"

by AzxyOOF January 2, 2019

21👍 2👎

G Note

The emo mating call.

The G Note triggers all the suppressed emo's

by Mj... June 4, 2018

64👍 7👎

G Herbo

The best rapper ever outta Chicago also the most humble rapper out there on bro. G Herbo previous went by lil herb and now by G Herbo, (G) Swervo. You won’t understand Herbo unless you from the streets as he paints how life’s like in the hood. Herbo really helps me get through day to day life as he’s relatable and only spits real fire music. Everyone who sleepin on G Herbo wake the fuck up or I’m pullin up to where yo mama stay at, nah but for real go bump some G Herbo.

Ayo checkout that “Malcolm”, “Outro”, “Gutta” “XXL”, “Real”, “Street” and every other song by G Herbo shits fire and life changing!

by KiingShooter November 13, 2019

81👍 10👎

G Smith

Acronym for a mack daddy of a pimp. If you're G Smith, watch out...there's probably a chick behind you that wants to rub your jimmy until it spits. Guys...grab your girl and your wallet, cause G Smith will walk away with both of them.

Damn...G Smith is cooler than me...and you...unless you are G Smith.

by gdacanuk August 4, 2010

g situation

A scenario or predicament that is of at most, a minor inconvenience. Usually, one person involved will blow it way out of proportion, and everyone else will probably laugh at them in secret for it. Or the phrase can be used sarcastically to describe a minor inconvenience

Friend A to friends B and C: “My friend didn’t say good morning! What is wrong with them!”

Friend B to friend C in secret: “This is a total g situation”

by Cheese tastes like sand December 20, 2020


A big wad of cash stuffed in ones drawers (pants).More than anyone should carry around with them,formed mostly with 100 and 50 dollar bills

"yo,whatchu doin wit dat G-Roll stuffed in yo drawers? Someone gonna jump yo punk ass and take it!"

by VixxSixxSixx March 16, 2009

45👍 4👎