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It's not always pornographic you faggots

I wish anime wasn't such an exclusive group of cool kids

by myhandlegoeshere August 17, 2018

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Animated manga, often made by the Japanese, which are all hentai, but there are so awesome anime

Friend: Wanna watch some anime?
Me: How about some fucked up japanese hentai?
Friend: Oh hell yeah!

by smertieboi February 21, 2019

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A tv genre or "cartoon" the is made in Japan for older/youth/young people

Follow me on Instagram "bro.saltyloke" yes I watch anime

by SketStormtrooper August 24, 2016

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A Sub Genre of a Piece of Media That was Originally Thought to Only Originate in Japan but has Since Spread its Way to Places like South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and China, Basically its Any Sort of Animation that Either Comes from a Foreign Place like Asia, Europe, Canada, Russia Etc or is a Piece of Animation That is Unknown thus is More Exotic or Out of the Ordinary Than Most Mainstream Cartoons Which Most American Cartoons take the Looney Tunes or Calarts Format for Kids or Take the Simpsons or South Park Format for Adults While Anime Has a More Realistic Meaning Sometimes Combining Both The Cutesy Aspects of a Kids Cartoon with the Deep Themes of an Adult Cartoon from the West, Anime Can Either Range from a 2 Minute Short Like Aggretsuko, or Wallace and Gromit, a 30 Minute Show like Moomin, Sonic Underground, The Critic, Dragon Ball, a Full Length Movie Series like Most Studio Ghibli Films or Watership Down or Even Commercials like McDonalds, Dr Pepper, Hagen Das, AT&T, Dempsters, PETA, Dairy Queen, Wendy's Etc, Anime Used to Only Known to Be Found in the Back of Video Stores and Libraries But Has Since Gained Mainstream Appeal thanks to Series like Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Speed Racer, One Piece etc Anime is more than a Japanese Cartoon its an International Movement thats Been Around Since the 1950s and is Never Gonna Stop

Have you Watched the Latest Anime i Found it on a Blu Ray i Found at the Local Value Village

Have you Seen This Manga Its Pretty Cool

(Looks on Torrent, Google, or Streaming Sites) I Did Not Know the Polar Express, The Critic, Undergrads, Turning Mecard and The Moomins was an Anime

by baliebox4916 November 16, 2018

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A form of Japanese entertainment that contains bright colors and over the top acting

Harris wanted to go to Japan to see the best anime waifu

by Williamwillprevail May 20, 2018

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Animated japanese movies or TV shows, with a very large surrounding pop culture. Most animes are like decently-written "B" movies.

I just finished watching the anime "Fullmetal Alchemist," and it was pretty interesting. Im gonna buy it on DVD.

by The Rp Phantom November 30, 2006

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Anime is the Japanese form of animation. In general, these cartoons are made with adult themes and tensions, however the american edits/dubbing's are generally much more watered down.

An important thing to consider is that like any regular movie, not all anime will be a classic. Some do have goofy facial expressions and plot twists that ruin crucial moments, and some of them manage to present a meaningful storyline that a wide range of people can enjoy. The majority, like in any entertainment industry, fall between.

by Soulwanderer March 18, 2003

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