A gay ass whole who only thinks of himself.
That kid is so gay, he must be Brett grow!
A Brett Willis Perriam refers to a person going through a mid life crisis at an early stage of life, More than likely a raging alcoholic with an urge to Bed a toothless wool handler on the regular basis. (Brett Willis Perriam was known to be an alcoholic, pickpocket and thief around the victorian age)
Joe Bloggs: I'm definitely drinking and making love to a creature tonight after fleecing a thousand dollars on the pokies. after Jordan: Oh mate, you're a bit of a Brett Willis Perriam.
Annoying yuppi with a really fast and ear-damaging laugh. Should be shot immdeietly if discovered...Will buy his way out of anything
man: Dude, grab my shotgun, i want to shoot that Jono in the head!
Someone who people are constantly being screwed with. Originates from Bret Hart who was screwed over in the Montreal srewjob.
James is always Brett-Harted. He needs therapy but the therapist lives in Montreal and is known for screwing with people. Will he ever be Un-Brett-Harted
Bus Driver who cannot run to on-time schedule who is always rude and never on time
Brett newton is a rude Bus Driver
Newcastle transport he works for
Never on time always run late driving the bus
Always runs like never on time doesn’t know how to drive a bus shouldn’t be a driver everyone should report him Brett newton is a AM Bus Driver at Hamilton depot
How do I Start to explain smething u feel - to me, he's... this is gunna be good 😈❤️ 🔥💛 More than these wrds could mean to u; 😮 💨😮 💨 DAYyyumm ❤️ 🔥❤️ 🔥He's a softer love, a slower beat in my chest. His words are 🧱 and diction. He is timeless. He has every bit of me and that scares me because he could truely break me. 🤩 He is the love of my life, I think, the holder of my heart; its weird to trust someone so much but yet actually feel the 🦋 or rush of fear - like, "this could actually hurt, fuck." He has the ability to light me up 💗💓❤️ 🔥 Not in the sense of depression or motivation but make my heart skip a beat, make me feel something or fall for someone. He makes me want to be the girl apparently everyone sees but the side no one gets, like I've found the person I want to have a relationship with and give MY heart too, #imthatgirl #notjustafriend #withwho ..Not just anyone, not just for everyone I truely live that && feel that, couldn't if fake it tried and wouldn't fake it. I could try though 😈 but I wouldn't just my advice. He is my best friend and my weakness. Everything I want; I need. Loving him is kinda like having 2 shoes but only knowing how to lace one up but it's a perfect match. 🔥
I involuntarily love him. It's weird, it's crazy, it's amazing, and I never want to lose him.
My favorite is when we talk to eachother so close our lips are barely touching 😮 💨❤️ 🔥🫸🫷 that close.
Anyway I love You Brett ❤️ 🔥 who even wrote this shit.
Really bummed Brett ❤️ 🔥 wouldn't let me talk half the shit I wanted to on here low-key. Double Damn. This sites kinda for the birds and word count limitations that appear to be run on sentences with no pause for feeling..but yea
Literally though,
He's so fckkn amazing && I loves him, he is a hottie 😍.
You couldn't replace him and you definitely couldn't change him, he's everything you wish you could B.