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cultural aspergers

when a someone of a particular culture only hangs out with other people of the same culture

dude, i tried to talk to that chinese chick over there, but she wouldn't say much. maybe she's got cultural aspergers.

by kafkabro November 29, 2012

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Throat Culture

The best sketch comedy group at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Throat Culture, or TC, is composed of mainly undergraduates and some lingering graduates. They put on a couple performances a semester that includes both stage and film comedy. They are better than the Buttered Niblets.

Are you going to the Buttered Niblets improv show today?

Hell no, i'm going to the best comedy troupe on the planet, Throat Culture. I wouldn't be caught dead at Nuttered Biblets.

by NikR May 19, 2007

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Cultural Diffusion

the transmission of social institutions, skills, and myths from one culture to another

by Annie October 2, 2003

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cultural appropriation

The notion that its racist and evil for a white person to wear dreads or corn rows. If you happen to be white and think this is hypochrisy as ca 90% of black women make their hair staight and/or use fake hair, you are also evil and racist because culturel appropriation (and racism) only works one way.

If you are white and dont stick to a purely white style, as defined by others and not you, you are abusing other races style aka cultural appropriation, which is racist and evil because you are white and thus have no right to steal other races style.

by BullyBanana May 28, 2017

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Cancel Culture

One of the most idiotic things to occur on the internet in the past few years. Typically involves teen girls or gays that have no life or social life outside of being on the internet and them using the large amount of time they have to end somebody famous' career with something controversial they did in their past. Typically includes some sort of racist/homophobic/sexist piece of media from a celebrity that tends to be years old and gets found and spread to end someones online career. People partaking in this REALLY need a life outside of being on their phone and know not everybody has to agree with or think the same thing as them. They should also get a reality check with the real world outside the internet.

"Oh my god did you hear Jenna Marbles did blackface as Nicki Minaj 8 years ago??"
"Oh no sis is cancelled!! THE CLOWNERY๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก "
"Cancel culture will definitely end her online career within a week"

by yuhhhhh561 June 29, 2020

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Paper Culture

Modern stationery company featuring baby announcements, baby shower invitations, birthday party invitations, holiday cards, photo cards, thank you cards, note cards, moving announcements & other custom stationery. All cards printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper.

Paper Culture is known for eco friendly modern stationery.

by zyzz February 2, 2010

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DIY culture

Noun: DIY cultures (from a feminist perspective) refer to communities of women who take charge of do-it-yourself movements with the intention of subverting mainstream norms. An example is the Roller Derby movement in which the sport is owned and operated 'by the skater for the skaters'; it is the means by which women or female athletes reject the capitalist control of the sport (Beaver 2012). Another DIY sub-culture project is 'craftivism'. For example, craftivists use 'yarn bombing' not only to reclaim crafts and bring it into the public sphere but also to create awareness about political issues. DIY culture began in the punk scene when Riott Grrrl spurred on a young feminist movement (Beaver 2012)

If you belong to the Roller Derby league, a DIY culture, you will become a strong, athletic female and gain a sisterhood!

by Palmac December 19, 2017

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