Source Code

do a buck

1) To drive at 100 miles per hour.
2) To anally violate a male deer.

John: "What you in here for?"
Dave: "Double homicide."
John: "Small-timer, eh?"
Dave: "Yeah. How 'bout you?"
John: "I got caught doing a buck in a school zone."
Dave: "Shit dude, that's like 85 miles an hour over the speed limit! You could have killed some kids!"
John: "What? How would that kill any kids? Maybe traumatize them for life. Oh...you thought I was in here for speeding! Hell no, man, by "do a buck" I meant I was ass-raping a deer in front of the school!"

by Nick D November 12, 2005

101๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

do stuff

Code for having sex

Let's do stuff!

by frabrizio December 23, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

do the dooley

Refers to the act of having sex on top of a kitchen counter. Origins unknown.

Girl: What do you want to do tonight?
Guy: Let's do the dooley.

by Sweet Cheese Danish July 2, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Doing up

'Doing up' means to to something to its full extent. Normally something one wouldn't regularly do.

Example being, a person is baby-sitting their niece/ nephew and but is asked to come out with friends:

Person 1: Yooo come through this party tonight man'

Person 2: Ahh I can't man, I'm doing up uncle duties and shitt

by Kerra1995 June 6, 2018

25๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Do the Amber

To sit (usually with legs crossed) in the middle of the street or on the ground with head turned to one side (usually the picture taker's left) while pretending to be happy or laughing.

Classic Amber locations would be under a bridge of some sort with oncoming cars or on train tracks.

"Hey, can you teach me to do the Amber?"
"Quick! Theres no cars coming, do the Amber!"

by htran5 September 3, 2015

Doing a pannet

"Doing a pannet" is the action of quitting you job after a weekend of drug abuse because you cant handle the come-down effectively.

Eg-Doing a pannet
Danny said "I can not be arsed with this shit im going to get some anti depressants"

Ryan fucked work off on Monday due to excessive magic consumption the Friday before.

by www.mcfc.com January 27, 2011

Doing it live

Used for a situation where you have not prepared at all, or are not planning on preparing.

Cameron: Nick, did you study for the science test?
Nick: Nope, I'm doing it live

by The Rio Grande March 25, 2015