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King Virg

The king of all virgins.

Leader of all virgin "Hey look it's King Virg, Mike Grindrod!"

by Yoyoyoseanyoyoyo November 9, 2015

king Harambe

The best gorilla there will ever be and the king of all living beings, but was sadly killed due to lack of paying attention:/

King Harambe

by Qazzakaze December 14, 2020


King Andoh = a person of profound or extensive learning in the workplace. a King Andoh is a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to his employer.

That Luke is the King Andoh of DCF. I sure am glad he works with us.

by Luke the Great February 19, 2008

Carpool King

Carpool King (or simply CPK) is a term used for a person who is very sensitive to the environment and would like to carpool versus driving individual vehicles to the same destination. CPKs enjoy the company of others in the vehicle as it promotes great conversations and makes for a very enjoyable ride versus driving in your vehicle alone. And thus, CPKs are very well respected for both their concern for the environment and the conducive ability to facilitate conversations and to make the car ride more enjoyable. Every large group greater than 3 should have a CPK.

Mark : Yo Whadduppp! I'm jonesing for some Pho - let's hit up Pho Shizzle, aite? You feeling me bro?

Tim : No Mark, I don't feel you and I'm not your bro. Maybe we should carpool? Parking is kinda tight at Pho Shizzle and we should help reduce emissions.

Mark: Tim, that's so gangsta of you to consider the environment. You're so Carpool King man!

by Onscreen Goddess April 15, 2010

King Wasabi

The common miss pronunciation of Kemosabe. Kemosabe is a term of endearment from a character in The Lone Ranger.

Are you going to be ok King Wasabi?

Really supposed to be...

Are you ok Kemosabe?

by The real Wasabi October 6, 2019


1. V. To have a heart of gold.
2. Adj. To be extreamly smart and jaw dropping beatuiful.
3. N. A law of nature that states that happiness is the closest thing yo perfection.

To lay on the grass watching the stars is the best thing in the world, it is the Marcia-Kings law.

by chuch10diez February 10, 2015

king queer

A person who is lord of all gays and king of all queers. The highest ranking homosexual in a group.

Don't cross the King Queer

by Pricktionary March 13, 2016

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