King Paimon is a spirit named in The Lesser Key of Solomon (in the Ars Goetia),1 Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum,2 Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal,3 the Livre des Esperitz (as "Poymon"),4 the Liber Officiorum Spirituum (as Paymon),56 The Book of Abramelin,7 and certain French editions of The Grimoire of Pope Honorius (as Bayemon);89 as well as British Library, Sloane MS 3824.
Shadow : Hey do you know Paimon?
Reo : Ah yes the emergency food
Shadow : No i meant The Spirit called King Paimon
Reo : Oh...
Leader of all virgin "Hey look it's King Virg, Mike Grindrod!"
A man; a legend.
Typically named Marcel, whom all cretins adore and aspire to be like.
Bro, you're the King of the Retards.
A person who exceeds beyond expextations and will always have the necessities.
Man richard is the clutch king he always comes prepared.
1. V. To have a heart of gold.
2. Adj. To be extreamly smart and jaw dropping beatuiful.
3. N. A law of nature that states that happiness is the closest thing yo perfection.
To lay on the grass watching the stars is the best thing in the world, it is the Marcia-Kings law.
A sexual practice where the male is seated and a female performs falletio while on her knees. It is often accompanied by the female providing lavish complements to the man related to his verility, intelligence and charm.
I was really horny after a very successfully week after a lot of hard work. I knew my wife wouldn't care. I checked out the BP ads and was able to meet a very attractive escort who provided king service for less than $100. I left smiling and felt rewarded for my hard work.