The greatest force in the universe, generally the quick and powerful movement of an object. Requires immense amount of mental and physical energy and strength to do, and was even the cause for the big bang (see example below).
During the Big Bang, particles were yeeted around in all directions, creating the universe.
The ball just got yeeted half way across the court!
If you call me an idiot one more time, I swear to god, I will yeet you into the brick wall.
Where you throw something aggressively while saying the word "Yeet"
Another word for throwing something or something flying across the room. Created by Gen Z
" My phone just went YEET out of my hands!"
yeet when you yeet a young child into oblivion
hey Jim, I just yeeted my little brother into oblivion
A word you say after/during throwing something.
(Throws rock at river) "Yeet!"
Yeet is throwing something in the memes word. :)
"Bro, i yeeted that thing at my mom."