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the polite and politically correct way to address an african american gentleman.

Jerome: Good evening, Richard. I hope you are doing well.
Richard: You are a nigger.
Jerome: Thank you.

by expert sociologist January 21, 2022

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A fully grown niglet.

Once a niglet reaches adulthood, he is thereafter known as a nigger.

by JescoWhite November 17, 2021

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Noun- one who nigs.

Fred: did you see the nigger down on main?
Tom: yeah, he sure was a-niggin'!"

by SweetDoggyM March 1, 2021

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You’re white, aren’t you?

β€œShut up, Bill,”

by AeshEDoubleHockeysticks May 5, 2021

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What you say when your teammate/enemy is so trash/good that you just can't hold it in anymore

teammate 1: throws a game
teammate 2: GOD YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING.... NIGGER!!!!!

by Black999000 January 23, 2023

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This word is used to compliment somebody

"Hey what's up you looking real nigger today"

by November 13, 2020

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A term used when something goes wrong

" My boss rejected my request to get a raise and I promptly yelled the word Nigger "

by CrustyTurdSack July 19, 2020

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