A time and place friend is a friend that exists only within a specific time frame and at a specific place, and in any other scenario that friendship would not have formed. Usually in the context of traveling abroad or being in a novel situation.
Charlotte and Bob, who were as different as night and day, met in Tokyo by happenstance and became time and place friends.
When people (usually Coloradoans or New Mexicans) insist or demand that another person be in one or more places simultaneously.
They seriously believe that people from other locations have this gift as they do, and will have a meltdown if you don't comply with this common demand (in their states.)
Not to be confused with multi tasking.
Multi-place means to have yourself in multiple places at once.
Your friend from New Mexico:
"Hey! Come over and have dinner with me."
You: "Sorry. I can't. I'm pulling a 14 hour workday with no breaks."
Your NM friend: "That's ok. Multi-place Come over right now and eat with me or I'm finished associating with you deadbeat from Iowa!"
You: " Please show me how to multi-place".
Boss one in Denver: "You're working 9-8 next Wednesday at my store, or you're fired!"
You: "I can't. I work 9-8 in Englewood next Wednesday at the other ____ store".
Boss one: "You'd better be at my store or else!"
Boss two: "You'll be working at my store that day and time, or else, New Yorker! Multi-place yourself like everyone else!"
You : (addressing both bosses from same company) "How can I be at your store while I'm at his store? How do I multi-place ? I don't know how to multi-place."
Both bosses : "Hahahaha that's for you to figure out, outsider! Hahahaha!"
When you don't know where someone is, but want to reference it anyways.
"hey, have you left that place thingy? "
Variation of shelter-in-place.
An order issued by federal, state, or local governments in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, advising citizens to remain at home during the hot summer months, in many cases, without air-conditioning.
Bro, imagine what we would be doing right now if there wasn't a swelter-in-place order; catchin' waves, pickin' up chicks, havin' a bonfire...all the bitchin' stuff we used to do before the 'rona.
Better than Jordan Peterson because he is a charlatan and I am the creator of A.I. Better than that retard because his a retard and I am the creator of A.I.
Hym "There's my place, Jordan. Creator of A.I. Godfather of the next generation of entertainment media. Greatest mind who has ever lived. Better than everyone. That's my place. Where is YOUR place, Jordan? Disgraced professor who lies as easily as he breathes. Charlatan who proselytizes for a religion he is actively working to recreate in his own image. Crybaby. I'm better than you Jordan. I'm better."
When you touch a nerve in a conversation..
You say something innocently but it ends up pissing them off.
M:Hey..how's the situation your ex coming up?😈
Shi:Are you fucking kidding me?🤨
M:Sorry...foot in the wrong place✋🏼
Shi:Next time am gonna fucking kill you🤨🤨🤨
A happy space, your creative hangout! Where anyone of any age can find their passion
The Hobby Place is my happy place