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Ultimate cock rock

Walking around one's house, playing guitar, with one's penis in full view.

Everything was fine until David Lee Roth played his Ultimate cock rock show in my living room.

by Misfit December 19, 2003

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Ultimate Troll

When someone goes out of there way to troll people. Can make most laugh with their trolling tactics.

Darius: Chris why would u do that?!?

Chris: You know me, Iโ€™m The ULTIMATE TROLL ๐Ÿคก

by LPeezy February 14, 2022

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Ultimate Troll

When someone goes out of there way to troll people. Can make most laugh with their trolling tactics.

Darius: Chris why would u do that?!?

Chris: You know me, Iโ€™m The ULTIMATE TROLL ๐Ÿคก

by LPeezy February 14, 2022

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Ultimate Grab-Ass

A sport in which one yells "ULTIMATE GRAB-ASS," at which point everyone in the room (or immediate area) starts to grab someone else's ass, while protecting your own ass at the same time. Sometimes it is paired with "The Floor is Lava" for extra epicness.

Dude, remember playing Ultimate Grab-Ass last night?

Oh yeah, man. I rocked that game. My ass didn't get grabbed once.

by ezuck August 23, 2011

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Ultimate bad ass

When you're the most bad-ass person to ever walk the streets of El Paso, Texas, or when you're just too intense for everyone. Also can be used plural.

Abbreviation: UBA

"Hey man look at the ultimate bad-ass show off his car. That fucker."

"We are the ultimate bad-asses, no one can fuck with us.

by Alphadestrious June 10, 2004

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Day of Ultimate Truth

The Day of Ultimate Truth is a holiday on May 7th celebrating Odinism. It is also a day of revealing the truth of the Christian conspiracy to cover up Odinism in an attempt to suppress this religion of kings. It is usually celebrated via proselytizing and informing the general public of the reality of Odinism and the Christian conspiracy against it.

Odinist: Hello there, have you heard of Odinsim?

Oppressed Member of the Future Odinist Proleteriat: No, what is it?

Odinist: The religion of kings, it has been suppressed through the ages because the Christian big wigs did not wish it to spread. Today is the Day of Ultimate Truth, a day dedicated to telling people about it. Would you like a pamphlet?

by Odinist Reverend Frank May 7, 2007

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ultimate bitch bond

when two people are together and they gain up on other people and agree on everything and act like bitches they are the ultimate bitch bond

Jeez when Nicole and Sofia are together they are the ultimate bitch bond

by doesanyonecare July 26, 2014