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Very Obscure Word

This is a Very Obscure Word that nobody really knows (I made it up)

Greg: “Are there any Very Obscure Words that I don’t know of?”
You: “Very Obscure Word”

by msiregalP January 5, 2024

very lonely fat chuck

The feeling you get when you are alone. When you have no friends or love, no hair, no real teeth, no job, no social life.. you only have a chat site that you think is real life...you are considered a very lonely fat cuban.

a very lonely fat chuck is someone who's fat and alone.

by fat ugly cuban November 20, 2018

very, very dirty

did u just- you made urban dictionary say: Get a very, very dirty mug.

Urban Dictionary: Get a very, very dirty mug to get free robux

by PignnyeStonk17 January 6, 2022

Very rare shawty

A song that doesn’t make any sense but still is some how irrelevant.

No I know that hm... very rare shawty wanna face fuck ah ha ha come here boo I’m finna get fucked

by Keithkogane is sexy March 16, 2019

Very hard bird-seed

A phrase used to describe:

i) something that is of very high standard, faultless, impeccable
ii) timing of an event or activity that turns out to be perfect, entirely appropriate, impeccable

The logic he applied to solve the murder was like very hard bird-seed, impeccable.

The timing of her arrival at the party was like very hard bird-seed, absolutely impeccable!

by Philo T. Dillo April 5, 2023

Very Very False

Something is extremely False

James says “Tom likes cougars and kids more then me” this is ‘Very Very False’.

by Delta27Z October 5, 2022

Very Hungry

when somebody out this is getting a a bit more than thirsty torwards you ;D

"this dude ias VERY HUNGRY about me"

by doeydefeatsbartman October 24, 2023