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Drug Nasty

The "hung over" feeling you get after a night of doing drugs.
The only cure is more drugs.

Youre not high anymore but you might as well be, the way your head is all stewy. (Stewy as in thicker and chunkier than the soup it was a few hours before, but still pretty liquified) Your eyes are crusty and your reactions are slow.

"Dude, its 10am, are you high already?"
"Nah, man- just drug nasty."

"Im too drug nasty to clean this mess up. Load me a bowl, Ive gotta clear my head."

by CrusherOfFlowers April 26, 2010

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Drugs are pog

Drugs are pog
U should do them

Drugs are pog

by Pogggggggggggggggggggggggggggg February 10, 2021

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drug depression

DD; Drug Depression: the induced state of depression after the high of a hard drug (including ecstasy, MDMA, cocaine etc) wears down.

Helen: Yo how you feeling man?
Ken: I have intense DD right now...
Helen: DD?
Ken: Drug depression.

by tinylilone June 29, 2011

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wall drug

n. a drug store in Wall, South Dakota whose owners went way too damn crazy with advertising. This single drug store has signs as far away as Kenya, Africa. The major roads approaching this store are littered with large billboards giving one the distance to the store. Upon arriving to the store, one realizes it is an entirely unremarkable, hole-in-the-wall drug store.

Jim: Hey, have you seen all those Wall Drug signs? I kinda wanna go there.

Kara: Yeah, there's a million signs for that stupid place. Then I went there, and there was absolutely nothing extraordinary about it.

by LezzerSeven November 28, 2015

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Drug Enthusiast

Like a drug addict but actually cares about the quality of there drugs!

"Bro you've sniffed an ounce of k in a week, youre a drug addict" - Boi 1

"Nah i ain't a drug addict bro, this came on't rock top quality stuff, im a drug enthusiast!" - Boi 2

by ThomNUKnowIt April 1, 2020

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Drug Rug

Awesome band on Black & Greene label. Thomas Allen and Sarah Cronin met in 2006 while working at the Middle East Club in Cambridge, MA. After trading secret demos of their own songs, Tommy persuaded Sarah to combine forces. They spent their first date drinking whiskey in bed and playing each other songs on an old guitar. They've been inseparable ever since. Several months later, they christened themselves "Drug Rug," a name which has made strangers laugh and parents cry. Drug Rug began as an acoustic duo in the vein of the Everly Brothers and The Carter Family. Over the course of three or four shows Drug Rug evolved into a rock band with a revolving cast of friends and family. Their early rock and roll sound can be attributed to such influences as The Velvet Underground, The Byrds, and most importantly, the Paul and Linda McCartney record "RAM".

Drug Rug - http://www.myspace.com/drugrugdude

by Bostongirl February 7, 2009

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Thug Drug

Any drug found in suburban America that is in no way ghetto, making the name wildly inappropriate.

Adam: Anyone who does thug drugs should be thrown in prison then stoned
Teddy: Didn't you say everyone in prison should vote?
Adam: Yeah, then stoned.
Teddy: You are an idiot.
Sean: Adam, if you say thug drugs again you are going to spend the rest of the class in exile.

by American Government April 7, 2009

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