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The Past is Never Perfect but the Future Has a Chance to be Perfect

We can only examine events in the past which never prove the future. The future has too many past experiences to know what the future holds. However, if we predict the future, there is a small chance that our prediction will be 100% correct. So instead of hoping that the past will predict the future, we will simply use the present to predict the future.

I used to predict the future back in 1987 but it never turned out because I didn't know the future. Knowing what I know now from the past, I can predict the future a bit better. Only time will tell if my prediction is correct. The past is never perfect but the future has a chance to be perfect!

by brettuthius August 12, 2018


Future rest is a term most notably used in the Army for any amount of time consumed by an individual to rest, relax or sleep prior to an event that will cause you to tire i.e work details, guard or missions. Similar to a nap, it differs only in that future-rest is taken when previous knowledge of a future work related event is known.

Pvt.Joe: Hey, you want to go use the computers?
Spc.John: Nah, I'm going to get some future-rest before we have to fill some sandbags.

by PrivateSnuffy April 26, 2009

My future is so bleak

I need night vision goggles. *cry*

My future is so bleak I need night vision goggles

by confused cajun man February 4, 2021

future perfect

An event in which hyperdistributism solves the transfinite line; creating a perfect capitalist-Marxist system.

Future perfect employs the transfinite line; in which the average of the squares of the distances between the ergodicic points and the transfinite line is equal to the tau of the slope of the line.

This is transfinite economics: a perfect solution to poverty.

by zanderfin December 8, 2019

our country's future

The title you give a friend right before they are about to do something very stupid like rolling down a hill in a shopping cart.
"Matt is about to roll down that hill in a shopping cart"
"They call him our nations future"

It is also said after someone does something they shouldn't be proud off like giving a homeless man a handy.
"So I did this thing the other day...."
"Hahaha, our country's future, right in front of me"

"They call him the future of our country"
"They call her our country's future"

by NuovoAntares May 11, 2023

[Future Retro]

An English style that is the new New Rave but not as lame. It's basicaly bright colours and lots of plastic acessories, especialy bracelets, lego necklaces and fake Ray Ban sunglasses.
Why? It's fun.

''Oo, Jamiee, those bracelets from Clare's
''Why yes, they are. Very Future Retro I thought''

by Jamiee W August 26, 2008

Futurism over Function

When certain features or basic functions present on a new product are changed for the sake of "innovation" with no consideration for practicality.

"It just feels like the thought process was 'well, let's change these designs, because that's what innovators do. And also it will get attention,' without actually improving on the old designs, or thinking about actual problems with the old designs that could be solved. See, what's happening here is not uncommon for Tesla and some other car companies, but specifically any of Elon's companies. I don't know if there's a name for it yet, so I'm just gonna call it Futurism over Function."
--> Cybertruck? More Like Cyber-Sucks! – SOME MORE NEWS

by The Logical Fallacy October 14, 2024