Source Code

light in the hip

have a small amount of money

"you wanna go to the club?"
"no, i'm light in the hip."

by Teach July 7, 2003

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A music style that formed in the 80's out of reggae influence. It was forming a little bit after the rap style was formed. It borrowed the spoken type of lyrics and it had trumpet and very upbeat and stimulating rhythms.

Hip-hop is different from rap because rap is very poetic but it has a beat to keep a steady flow, (a beat as in drums or anything that makes a short sound) It (was) started/influnced with/by the James Brown song "The Big Comeback"

Hip-hop got mixed up with rap when Run-D.M.C. came in, they created songs that were a mix of both styles, such as "King of Rock", it had poetic lyrics, drums and guitar which had savory rhythm. Run-D.M.C. were very good with poetry and they used Hip-hop melodies and rap beats mixed in their songs.

Modern Hip-hop is called rap but it isn't very poetic, it is almost like 80's Hip-hop but the reggae influence has been replaced with synth, the modern "rappers" are actually Hip-hop artists but the average person calls them rappers because it is shorter than "Hip-hop artist". Out of the laziness of people to say 2 words instead of one; Hip-hop and rap have been mixed up.

Rap is dead these days and the last rappers were Run-D.M.C. and maybe Tupac.

I do not like modern Hip-hop cause the artists try to make catchy, rhyming lyrics but because they don't have poetic minds they have to slur and mispronounce words to make them rhyme. Example: the song "Throw some D's" you hear the word "caddilick" a lot. I listen to the song just to laugh at it, I am even laughing as I write this.

Hip-hop was a great upbeat style but it is now all about image, the best of modern Hip-hop is ok to me but I really liked the early Hip-hop.

A lot of modern Hip-hop sucks!

by joe725 April 21, 2007

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Real Hip-Hop is another form of making love, to someone mind, body and soul.It's like a freaky ass soda ready to expload over a gentle earloab.

by Cc Love October 30, 2003

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Yeah you smart guy you gave yourself 2 thumbs up and to all the hip-hop haters thumbs down.

Faker Faker Faker you don't know nothing about hip-hop

by WS July 18, 2004

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Hip Hopera

A genre made up by MTV when they made their own version of the classic opera "Carmen" starring Beyonce.

"I rented 'Carmen,' wanna come over and watch?"
"The real one or that hip hopera with Beyonce in it?"

by Jenzalez October 5, 2007

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When a rapper can use offensive words such as nigger and pass them off but when the likes of the general public use them it is racist.

'dude, I went up to NAS to tell him I thought his tune ''NIGGA' was the bomb and said ''what's up nigga'' damn boy, his security guards called the cops. Now isn't that hip-ocrisy bro?'

by tiest-o-holic February 4, 2010

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hip hopin

cool from the ghetto

That is one hip hopin thugalicious dude!

by Sassy September 2, 2003

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