Maple Leaf International School is hell
It is what you call a Canadian Dollar since Maple and Maple Syrup is associated with Canada.
Plural: Maple Units
Stranger: "How much does a hundred dollar equal to a Canadian dollar?"
Me: "About 136 Maple Units."
A Dirty Sanchez but with maple syrup instead of butt creemee
Dude I was fucking her butt the butt was way too creemee… so I broke out the Grade A Maple and glazed her ‘stache!! Now thats a Maple Sanchez.
When a Canadian gets you from behind.
Ryan gave me a warm maple butt yesterday after the hockey game, eh!
The opposite of a Catfish. Her photos made her look like a munter but in real life she was a stone cold 10.
“That girl was such a maple tree, she was a gremlin in her pics but a 10 in real life and sucked harder than a Harley low on fuel”
A bunch of spoiled rich losers who think their better than Woodbridge. In every way shape or form Woodbridge is better than Maple. Now you know when u see a Maple Kid u tell them that Woodbridge Kids are better
Woodbridge Kids are better than Maple Kids
"Hey, Maggie. I heard you are going on a date with Thomas."
"Yeah, Theresa, I will be tapping the maple tree tonight."