Source Code

East Mississippi Stew

When a girl kicks a guy in the balls, then punches him in the face. When he is down, the girl then blows scalding hot stew into his ass.

After asking his girlfriend to do the elevator, Julia gave Jeremy an East Mississippi Stew.

by MikeL3338 August 6, 2007

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Mississippi Hand Jive

While engaged in a children's movie at a theater, a man cuts a hole and inserts his penis into the bottom of a popcorn bag. When his date reaches in for popcorn, s/he recieves a bonified surprise.

"How was your date?"

"It was great until I started eating the popcorn, he surprised me with a Mississippi Hand Jive!"

by booblay July 13, 2008

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Mississippi Mud Snake

A long, curled up turd.

Man, I let my dog out to take a dump and he left a huge Mississippi Mud Snake on the back porch.

by Billymudhoney July 23, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

mississippi mud flap

is when you're doing a chick in the ass, and she accidently shards all over your junk leaving mud on your balls just like a mud flap.

"Dude, i was nailing this chick in the ass and she gave me a Mississippi Mud Flap! So I did a Tony Danza on the bitch."

by xMCxWAMMERx213x June 10, 2009

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Mississippi One-Two

The act of inserting your penis into another's asshole and urinating inside as they defecate on your penis.

Man, I knew Becky was a kinky one when she asked for anal on the first date, but I didn't expect her to pull a Mississippi One-Two on me!

by blusaranoob July 2, 2014

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Mississippi Big Slick

Deuce-trey suited hole cards in Texas Hold-Em. Unsuited Deuce-trey is plain Mississippi Slick.

SOB called all-in with Mississippi Big Slick and drew out a flush on the river.

by MemphisBill September 14, 2005

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mississippi mud mohawk

when you squeeze out a turd in a line on a girls head like a mohawk

i was giving shari a tea bag and decided to give her a mississippi mud mohawk asswell.

by Mike Huntisitchin February 12, 2007

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